The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Cliffs: Donald Trump was trying to seize power.

It just sucks that Trump will never get in any real trouble for anything. He always has just enough of an arm’s length excuse (plus money and power).

Like with the whole Oval Office meeting where he wanted to make Clark the AG and send that letter to Georgia. If it comes down to admitting the meeting took place, he’ll just say, “Well, I didn’t make him AG and didn’t send the letter, what else you got?”

Of course, we all know he made the decision not because it was the wrong thing to do, but because he was convinced it would tarnish his legacy.

With the Jan. 6 speech, he’ll just say, “I didn’t mean that my supporters should ‘fight’ in a physical sense. I never said that. Dems tell their supporters to ‘fight’ for what they believe in all the time. I never told anyone to storm the Capitol, just to march in protest.”


I am sure you are correct, but they have him with the call to georgia. Only question is if Fani has the balls to prosecute.

WRT jan.6 , maybe a follow up question. If you didn’t mean for them to fight , why did you do NOTHING but watch it on TV for 180 minutes.

My inner SSC sometimes tells me that, when someone finally indicts TOM(the orange moron) it will set off a wave and everyone else follows suit.
I then kick SSC in the nuts.

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Yeah, and is it too farfetched to wonder if the secret service texts may include something about Trump wanting Pence to be brought to the Capitol? Apparently, Pence himself thought that was a possibility.

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My understanding, is that pence was at the capitol and was afraid to leave with the ss.

Thinking they would take him away , and he couldn’t do his duty, thus cert. delayed.

Texts may show trump wanting them to take him away.

I got the feeling that Pence was afraid of being taken somewhere where his safety would be potentially compromised. The Secret Service texts definitely seem like a bigger deal now that they’re MIA.


You think a prosecutor is ever unanimously convincing 12 jurors in Georgia to vote to convict Trump?

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Yea, i prolly misspoke.
With the call they have enough to bring charges, i would think. I am not a lawyer like u tho.
I never meant to imply they are gonna convict him of anything. After all ,he ran on shooting someone on 5th ave. and suffering no consequences.
But never gonna convict him if no charges are ever filed.

Oh yeah you got him, Perry Mason

didn’t make that claim dickhead

For such a small forum we sure have alot of assholes


People have this delusion that if they can just logically show trump is bad then something something

It’s meaningless

We all know the answer

If someone asks trump this in court he just says something about the Russia hoax witch hunt and moves on to the next question. It’s not a gotcha.

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As you know u, I was responding to another poster with a hypothetical follow up question . I never made any claims that we got him or that it would make any difference.

Never fucking claimed we could get a conviction.

Please stop shitposting

Trump could murder Pence on live TV and not be convicted. I think the hearings have put the Justice Department in the position where they almost have to charge Trump with something to save the agency’s credibility. But we’ll see. Nothing really surprises anymore.

Yea, the only person who hates Cheney more then Trump is Merrick.

Any day now guys

Damn, yeah we really needed more resources to get to the bottom of this.


Too close to the elections now to do anything. Better wait until GOP regains control and impeaches Garland.