The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

You do humor, don’t you?

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How many wives die first? Trump fades a lotta shit.

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Fell or was pushed?

I’ve long wished stairs would be the death of Trump. I should have been more specific.


Was she having an affair with Michael Peterson?



Was it when Donald came home after scalp reduction surgery, and Ivana made fun of it, was that when he raped her and she reported it? It’s hard to keep the shenanigans of that wacky family straight!

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She didn’t make fun of it, it was more painful than he expected and she had recommended the surgeon. So he ripped out a handful of her hair, raped her, and in the morning he asked her if it hurt.


No he’s gotta go on an escalator.

Imagine being the son (or daughter) of this woman and still going to bat for your dad in front of billions on a regular basis.

I can’t even imagine the cognitive dissonance required.

It’s the money. Horrible people. Worse then Trump himself. We know Trump has a mental illness, the family has no excuse. I can see Ivanka keeping the rest of the family at arms length from here out but only because her and Jared have more money then Trump does now. But they are still awful people.

There’s the motive

LOL as if Trump gives a shit.

It got him off the deposition train for now.

Lol this fucking guy got a delay to grieve for the ex-wife he already got away with raping and assaulting.


He’s got a rally tomorrow that’s continuing as planned. Dems are such fucking losers.


Ivana died of “blunt force trauma”? Accidental they say. Still seems like a pretty muted response from the Trump family considering that’s a pretty unusual cause of death it seems.

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Donnie Dumb Dumb never met her, never heard of her, but many many people are saying she was a HATER and a LOSER!


Paging @ayatollah

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