The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!
Bring your AR-15s! Will be wild!


What kind of fucking reporting is this supposed to be? ā€œSome people are lying about what they said to Trump, but Iā€™m not telling who!ā€ is the most useless journalism-adjacent product Iā€™ve ever seen. If itā€™s a gossip column, at least give names and facts and stuff like journalists are supposed to provide.

without even clicking I just instinctively knew this was about habs

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Will the support staffer confirm he threw his dinner on the wall or something more important?

Yes but it was Grey Poupon. It wasnā€™t ketchup so therefore everything Hutchinson said was a lie.

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God I hope Donald runs. I really do.

Itā€™s the only way the Republican Party can destroy itself. It gives them the opportunity to shun Donald by pushing Ron as their candidate. This will lead to Donald running third party to fuck the GOP over.

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There is zero chance Trump will lose a primary campaign then run independent. Some states donā€™t even let you do that.

Gonna be cool when Don runs as an independent, doesnā€™t get on some ballots, and still wins with a write in campaign.



Even if thatā€™s true, itā€™ll create a split between Trump loyalists and establishment Republicans. Iā€™m sure The Trump Party would suit him well.

we got him?

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this would be the greatest troll of all time and would almost be worth the price of admission

But it was Obama with the grey poupon not Trump

We should go with the line that the timing is suspicious and ask what she knew.

From her wiki.

The uncontested divorce was granted in December 1990 on the grounds of cruel and inhumane treatment by Donald Trump.[32][36] Ivana had to sign a non-disclosure agreement as a condition of the divorce settlement, and she was required to seek Donald Trumpā€™s permission before publicly discussing their marriage.

Donald gotta be hoping NDA is still enforceable in case Ivana wrote any letters to be opened in the event of her death.

Read these 5 words first and was very disappointed that all those other words were there.