The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!


Seems like a clear ā€œWhy not both?ā€

So witness tampering. We got him.

Iā€™m very curious about who wrote that letter. Obviously Orange Man couldnā€™t possibly string that many words together. And I doubt a pro would ever produce that. Maybe the pro writes one and he just marks it up with sharpie and the the pro grudgingly (?) makes his desired edits.

ā€œFuck you, noā€ has been countered with ā€œFuck you, yesā€, letā€™s see how this plays itself out.


Iā€™m guessing a couple years of appeals?

Itā€™s a state grand jury, no real novel issue, federal courts and Supreme Court shouldnā€™t even touch it. I have no idea how deplorable Georgiaā€™s high court is, but Iā€™m guessing ā€œvery,ā€ so who knows.

Iā€™ve been there too



MAGA habes still doing her thing

If she was living at Mar-A-Lago right now I would not be all that surprised

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Well, if not everyone told him he lost, then thereā€™s no way he couldā€™ve known and heā€™s not at all at fault.

I thought she was going to say that alot of people told Trump that he lost the election, but that is not necessarily what Trump heard.

Of course when the pre-announced strategy in the event of losing the election was to shout to the heavens (Fox) that the election was stolen and/or Trump actually won the election, it doesnā€™t make it easy or productive for anyone to tell Trump that he lost.

Any ideas as to who the witness is that Trump tried to call?

Probably Ivanka.

Ha, but itā€™s someone that hasnā€™t testified. Trump can always claim he butt-dialed them or something. Would be funny if some random has a complete recording of the December meeting in their voicemail.

Should have taken the call and recorded it

Only thing is Trump is constantly getting caught red-handed and it never matters.

Trump: Hey X, just checking weā€™re still good.

X: Lol, yeah. Iā€™m saving my notes on all the crimes for my book.

Trump: Haha. No, but seriouslyā€¦

X: Just kidding, Mr. President. But if hypothetically I get hauled in, is it ok if I mention some of the lesser treasons? You know, just so theyā€™re satisfied Iā€™m cooperating.

Trump: Come on, youā€™re killing me here. Just stick to privilege and tell them everything was perfect.

X: Ok Mr. President whatever you say. Iā€™m up for another insurrection whenever youā€™re ready.

Trump: Lol, sounds good. Iā€™ll keep a cabinet seat open for you. click

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