The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

He must have made a sign error somewhere. Could happen to anybody.


“I heard somebody say…” Sometimes when he starts sentences like that and ends them with blatant lies I wonder if at some point before he went on stage he actually did quietly mumble whatever idiotic falsehood it is to himself so in his mind he believes the statement on stage is not a lie (“Somebody (I) did say that!”)


That whole scenario involves a level of commitment to the truth, as low as it is, that is still far higher than what Trump actually possesses.

That is the only part I’m going to actually enjoy*. The LetThemFight.jpg entertainment potential is off the charts. And I will inject the losers tears straight into my veins.

*As long as I can block out the fact that the winner is going to be POTUS.

Unless DeSantis is VP nom (apparently I’m the only one around here who thinks this is possible with a Trump win).

One of them has to move for that to happen.

I’m aware. Establishing residency in another state for this purpose is quite easy.

The hard part is deciding which of them has to do it. It would have to be Trump.

free speech and the truth about president trump’s great achievements are being cancelled by… [checks notes] donald trump


Not sure if this has been gone over, but it’s clear that Trump is a sick mentally ill man who suffers, among many other things, delusions. Is this enough to save him from criminal culpability and a guilty verdict should he be indicated?

Doubtful. Actual insanity is reserved for people who aren’t winking at their audiences.

Wait, move as in “to another state”? President and VP candidate cant be from the same state?

An elector in the Electoral College can’t vote for a president and vice-president inhabiting the same state.

Another example of the infallible constitution!

I believe this is only true if all three (elector, president, VP) are from the same state.

So a Trump/DeSantis ticket could get EC votes, just not from Florida.

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Not that it matters, but if oceans level rise you get less ocean front property, not more. Lol.


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Imagine trying to explain this to Trump. Or any Trump supporter.


More ocean means more beach stupid libtard.


Almost verbatim what I was thinking. “More water means more water front property, you liberal idiot sheep.”

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