The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

They made a bad decision—It all became boring without “Trump!” They want us back sooo badly!

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Great article—Thank you, Frank!

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Thank you, Ted. 100% correct!

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From the hurricane thread:

You can probably figure out why I put this here

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Eh…. I mean if the republicans sweep the midterms with election-denying executive branch fixers in swing states who will throw the election to him in every swing state, then maybe. BUt otherwise I think he’s a significant dog.

Also, if he waits and Republicans trip over their dicks in the midterms, he can come in with only I can fix it. If they do well, it’s because of his endorsements and he’s going to MAGA.

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Because the judges and lawyers want it to. At best they don’t want the headache of dealing with him. In some cases they are fully onboard team trump.

For the most part, judges aren’t even considering Trump’s fate. It took less than a month for the special master to be stayed unanimously.

Guess I need to reevaluate my opinion of the man. Here I thought he was just a gaseous carnival barker with a talent for self promotion. But you guys think he’s smart enough to out level all these top notch lawyers, AGs, politicians, and every one of his enemies. Maybe he really is like a really smart stable genius who knows the best words?

Can you give an example? Every judge I can think of has ruled against him including the ones he’s appointed with the exception of that ditz Cannon. It does seem a few prosecutors might not want to the headache tho. But James and Willis don’t seem the type. And everyone is assuming Garland’s a wimp, but we don’t know that yet

He has learned a button mashing and delay delay delay strategy. He is raising every time and no one calls his bluff.

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Pretty much every swing state has a Republican legislature.

Man that’s a depressing map

Oh I get it, you’re being sarcastic. So you think I’m actually wrong and he hasn’t wriggled out of every jam so far?

Note I never said Trump was a genius, like, you don’t have to be a genius to realize something works and just keep doing it forever because it keeps working every time!

but neil katyal went to YALE

Ah well, nevertheless