The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Strongly disagree with this, Desantis is way too smart to accept and it would never be offered anyway. Would lay like +500.

If Trump becomes president again it’s going to be Ivanka next, elections aren’t going to be a thing anymore.

I’m game. What exactly is the bet you’ve got in mind?

You bet $100 to win $500?

I’m good with that, but I’m still not clear on how the bet is to be graded.

If Trump is the nominee, we have a bet on who his running mate is. If Trump is not the nominee, no action.

Sounds good

If Trump is not nominee, no action
If Trump is nominee and DeSantis is VP running mate, you pay me $500
If Trump is nominee and anyone other than DeSantis is VP running mate, I pay you $100.

Quote to book .

100% disagree. There would be something that Trump would expect Desantis to do and Desantis wouldn’t and then he’s “Sloppy Steve” or he’s a “disaster that is letting down the nation”. Desantis does not need that. Safer to stay gov of Fla and turn down vaccines for kids and keep CRT out of the schools than be in the clownshow’s cabinet.

edit damn you guys type fast.

I’m sure that there is something to this. But even with that consideration, I think it’s his highest EV play.


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Trumps last VP came a couple of butterfly wing flaps away from being lynched on live tv. I don’t see why anyone sane would take it this time around. That does still leave a long list though.


Well that can’t happen again, thanks to term limits. Other than that Pence was fine. In fact, I’m old enough to remember when plenty of the hold-your-nose-and-vote-Trump types thought that Pence would make a great President.


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MGT - true believer.

Ted Cruz - someone for Trump to walk all over and grovel endlessly

Cactus Jack for VP is something I’d be up for!



If only there was a good guy with a car this could have been prevented.

I know, I know, the good guy with the car is in this video


Trump’s VP pick will be Ron Johnson.

More than likely it will be someone he regularly sees on Fox News or whatever reactionary media he regularly consumes like OANN or whatever.