The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

MGT - true believer.

Ted Cruz - someone for Trump to walk all over and grovel endlessly

Cactus Jack for VP is something Iā€™d be up for!



If only there was a good guy with a car this could have been prevented.

I know, I know, the good guy with the car is in this video


Trumpā€™s VP pick will be Ron Johnson.

More than likely it will be someone he regularly sees on Fox News or whatever reactionary media he regularly consumes like OANN or whatever.


Rand Paul? He has been doing lots of butt kissing for years now.

Candace Owens drawing live


Ginni Thomas

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My shortlist of guesses is Don Jr, Palin, MTG, Gaetz, Boebert, Brooks, Tuberville, Stefanik. If Mastriano wins the PA gubernatorial race, heā€™s on the list too.

DeSantis is possible, but heā€™s too smart to take it. Same for Ivanka, I think.

Everyone on this list has ~no shot except for Stefanik and Mastriano.

Brooks isnā€™t even likely to win the primary, in no small part due to Trumpā€™s endorsement for Katie Britt (who actually should be very high on this list).

And speaking of governors, Glenn Youngkin would probably make my top 10 guesses.

In his mind letting the establishment have Pence as VP kept him from being POTUS for life. He hates McConnell. Heā€™s not making the same ā€œmistakeā€ again. Itā€™s gonna be a paint-huffing MAGA turd.

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Ill go dark horse and say Trump takes that WH dr turned congressman.

Wait, Trump turned on Mo Brooks? The same Mo Brooks who basically led the rallying cry on January 6th?

I would disagree that Don Jr, Boebert, and Gaetz have no shot. Gaetz has done a ton of sucking up. Don Jr might be his own personal preference and I suspect heā€™ll float it at rallies, ā€œMany people are telling me to pick Don Junior as VP, theyā€™re saying sir, sir, who better, who better but your own flesh and blood? I donā€™t know, what do we think?ā€ and if the crowds roar, it could be on. Boebert on the other hand could be very convincing to him in obvious ways, and apparently sheā€™s an old pro at that soā€¦ Plus I think his base would love having an attractive white woman on the ticket for the ā€œHa! See? Weā€™re not sexist!ā€

MTG may be too crazy for even him, advisors will definitely tell him to steer clear, but sheā€™s a more resolute supporter of him than just about anyone.

Like I donā€™t think the establishment gets to say shit to him about it this time, and I donā€™t think heā€™s going to try to placate moderates at all.

Now thatā€™s a good one, Iā€™m mad I forgot him. He might be too smart for it, he broke Trumpy as an opportunist IIRC. But he may view the elevation in national profile as worth the risk of having Trump turn on him for saying no to something.

Yeah. Alabama R primaries are just something else.

non-paywalled version:

Shoot I thought we had something there

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Heā€™s a pretty honest dude I reckon heā€™s telling the truth on this what do you think guys? Like how could you print a headline in 20 goddamn 22 that begins ā€œTrump claimsā€¦ā€