The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

It looks like a big vein drawn on a Florida penis. Fitting.


The league claims it is losing money, but it’s hard to know exactly how much because the bookkeeping at the league level is a little opaque and some of the franchises are owned by the same people who own the NBA teams/ arenas in those cities.

But even if you lose some money, you might be willing to suck up some losses in exchange for the networking/business opportunities that you get access to via the franchise.

Can someone help me out here? I read all the subsequent responses and I’m still not 100% sure. Is there any new evidence about fake Melania? I saw the photo posted in this thread a long time ago, so that’s clearly not new. Is there anything at all? Or is this another Riverman/Tiger King situation?

I’ll buy that, but my impression is that they were losing so much that it would be hard to offset with these types of benefits. I could be wrong though. I also thought that the ones unaffiliated with an NBA team were in the worst shape because they aren’t attached to a cash cow.

Twitter seems divided on whether it’s a bloody vein or an infected urethra.


And so I stuck to a daily routine I could never have imagined before Trump launched his campaign.

I would roll over in bed, turn off my alarm, and open Twitter to see what lies the President of the United States might have told while I was sleeping. And then, because Trump lied about a staggering variety of topics, I would try to rapidly educate myself on stuff I had known nothing about – trade with China, or Obama-era veterans’ health care legislation, or hurricane forecasting.

The lying sometimes continued until I had gone to sleep. Every time I felt like I had caught up, Trump would lie about something new – while still keeping many of the old lies in regular rotation. When I started tweeting fact checks of Trump’s rally claims moments after he made them, admirers viewed this as a kind of magic trick. In truth, it was pretty easy. The President kept saying the same false stuff over and over.

It was, in sum, a lot. In September 2020, I had to abandon my effort to produce a comprehensive count of the false claims: Trump was doing so much lying during the campaign that I physically could not keep up. By then, I’d tallied about 9,000 false claims since September 2016.


Even by the NBA estimates, the worst performing teams are losing between $1.5 to $2 million a year. Minimum player salary is $60k and the max is around $200k. I’m sure they don’t like losing money, but it’s really not that much money to a rich person especially if they think they can monetize the ownership in other ways.

Of course for Loeffler, having the team you own campaign for her opponent might have cost her a ton in lost insider trading opportunities, so she probably made a bad bet.


That’s not as bad as I thought. I guess I can see someone making that +EV. But overcoming a $2 million a year loss is still no joke.

WAT? No Eagle? Auto-fail.

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Great thread here.

My favourite one:


from someone who made it all 4 years:

battled to preserve our heritage

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I would have guessed the league lost way more than 12 million tbh. Thats basically nothing. Minor leagues in sports hemorrhage money but they’re necessary as well.

All the teams should be setup with men’s teams though, its dumb not to do it.
I think that was a recent problem for the women’s hockey league and it might have recently folded (nwsl i think). The WSL in Europe seems to be doing well.



Man, reading that, I finally get why some of my relatives–who are otherwise kind, decent people–have been so persistent in their support of Trump to the very end: the note encapsulates everything they believe in their heart of hearts, and no evidence to the contrary, however clear, has the power to convince them otherwise.


The only kind of person who will ever refer to it as “Sixteen Hundred Pennsylvania Avenue” repeatedly will both:
Always look like Stephen Miller
Have said “technically its hebephillia”


Except for racism and white supremacism you bloated cauliflower.

Imagine the type of person who thinks “multiculturalism” isn’t what America is.


It would be fitting if they released the healthcare plan at the eleventh hour, as they have literally eleven hours left