The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Godless Dems who refuse to simply sweep their damn forest floors.


Red lives are being seriously hampered by having to wait longer to get served food or order a drink

If he actually said that, I’d love to explain to him that all lives matter.

Pretty sure the red was a tie in to MAGA/Republicans. I wasn’t entirely sure and wasn’t going to ask. Had an american flag and had that shitty, right wing grifty design to it.

red lives matter is weird I thought they hated sesame street

“All lives matter” is even better in this spot.

I saw this sticker on a car and had to look it up:

The Thin Yellow Line honors all those who serve in public safety telecommunication , including police dispatchers, fire dispatchers, and ambulance dispatchers. The Thin Yellow Line can also represent Security Guards, Loss Prevention Associates, and Search and Rescue Personnel.

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New scenario I’m seeing somewhat optimistic people describing is that the committee will probably run out of time, but they’ve done so much work that the DoJ didn’t have to do, so Garland will appoint a special counsel to continue sometime before the 2022 elections. They point out that the special counsel will continue after the new GOP house majority inevitably dissolves the J6 committee on day one. For some reason it continues, rules or something. So I can comfortably predict that if that scenario plays out, also on day 1 the special counsel will be ended, much to the consternation of flabbergasted establishment dems.

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I’ve heard of this before. I write my tributes to them in the snow.

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I thought the different color stripes indicated what kind of sex they were into.

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There’s only like a dozen stripes and they’re pretty much claimed already by different groups but soon I think we can purchase the stars as NFTs



Really think we should all be flying a Great Replacement flag with black in the place of white.


Yellow lives don’t matter.
Blue lives don’t matter.
No lives matter.
Existence is suffering and only death is guaranteed.

Enjoy Arby’s


oh geez, searching that on amazon isn’t pretty

So many thin colored lines protecting us

loss prevention associates? i always felt they are like the junior ss

strong text[quote=“Melkerson, post:9895, topic:3854, full:true”]

Who’s advocating killing, harming, endangering, defunding, minimizing, etc. firefighters?

Don’t know the comedian. But his bit was. There aren’t any songs called fuck the firemen