The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years


lol, i was looking for some ridiculous pictures, but instead clicked on this.

evidently cop academy rejects are not making bank

At least you know who the mark is.

if the DOJ appoints a special counsel, that’s beyond the control of congress.

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There were empty seats but what Democratic politician commands a loyal base that will pay $138+ to hear them speak?

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Truly astonishing nothing will happen.

Nixon got nuked for like 1% of this shit.


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I know this is a point I’ve raised here before, but Watergate really was a kind of feel-good tale that’s basically gaslit us all into thinking that the system works. Like, you grow up learning from textbooks about how Watergate proves that the system of checks and balances works but really it was a perfect storm of Nixon getting caught on tape talking about crimes and there being senators with enough integrity to kick him out.

Most scandals don’t play out this way. With Iran-Contra Reagan was very clearly doing criminal shit but also he had enough popularity that there was no way anyone was actually going to do anything about it. We can quibble about whether lying about a blowjob is an impeachable offense, but ultimately it didn’t matter because he had too much support to ever get kicked out. All the handwritten orders and Powerpoints wont’ matter with Trump as long as there’s no political will to actually do anything.


nixon had nothing to do with principled senators. spiro agnew was an even worse corruptor, and got caught. so the senate had to throw him out because white house cut him loose, but it rattled enough people inside the party. they weren’t principled, they were trying to minimize damage to themselves. it backfired for a total of one election, until they found reagan.

Yeah, that’s my current understanding as well

Lol at having a flag up for loss prevention associates. They sure put their lives on the line every day.

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The doj doesn’t need a special counsel, they can just prosecute it themselves… special counsel is for when there could be a conflict of interest.

It was more we had better press and there hadn’t been 30 years of propaganda creating an army of mouth breathing violent voters. That’s the difference

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it’s selective memory to say we had better press at any time. or maybe more correct to say we have selective history. like nixon era washington post sure broke some stories, but paid for and promoted rich white male dominant culture, with a sprinkle of imperialism, alcoholism, and lung cancer. but sure they were “better reporters”.

All true. I meant more that we didn’t have an insane effort to push far right propaganda. But yes through out our entire history everything in out society has promoted capitalism and rich white privilege.

Today Nixon would not have been forced to resign because he didn’t have the propaganda arm of fascism

it’s hard to tell now since neither of us was alive. but nixon’s election and reelection are at least sometimes attributed to a sweeping dissatisfaction with vietnam, crime, and at least some backlash to civil rights. i don’t think those happen without a propaganda effort, although we can obviously know there are significant differences with cable tv or social media eras.

my point is that nixon and conservatives had a propaganda arm (the sheer number of newsletters that existed would probably seem mind boggling), and it’s only historical storytelling that’s skewing our collective memory.

24 hour news channels made journalists objectively worse.

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