The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

One of my best friends is pretty rich but wasn’t insanely spoiled as a kid. He came out an incredible human being.

Lucky fuck was given a 5 million dollar house in ca after he got married lol.

I mean obviously he didn’t have to work while he went to school and had millions of advantages but still came out awesome




Most of that was pure speculation based on randos analyzing video of him, so I didn’t put much stock in it. He could go downhill a lot in three years and I think we’re drawing live to a Weekend at Bernie’s type situation during the '24 campaign, but since the guy can afford any advanced magical medical treatment out there, and has zero stress thanks to his being a soulless POS, he’ll probably outlive half of the people on this board.

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I also think that when you’re President you are in the public eye day after day. When you are at your worst its harder to hide that. Nowadays Donnie Dumb Dumb can screen his public image more, when he’s exhausted and looking like shit he can just hide in his resorts.

By any objective standard his brain is complete mush, he has just eliminated any standard for competence with his baseline.

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Since his SD gift has made the news, good time to repost this


So Weisselberg said “fuck off” and they said “OK.” Law!

three year investigation of trump lying about his assets

this could’ve taken three minutes if this is even punishable at all

What’s the big shocker here, I would expect a store targeted at selling culture war totems to deplorables would have Trump and Let’s Go Brandon and Support Our Police.

But those “support the police“ signs, as ⁦@jameshohmann⁩ points out in today’s ⁦@washingtonpost⁩ , are warning sign for Democrats



Nothing really shocking, although I didn’t expect the first one I heard of to be in Rhode Island.

The US not the confederate flag is the giveaway it’s gotta be a solidly blue state

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Guess this is as good a place as any to put this:


A+ job debate commission letting an obviously sick Trump debate without a COVID test.

I am once again begging literally anyone to do literally anything to hold these people accountable in any way whatsoever.

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They will once again answer you with ‘lol no’. Having total impunity for rich people is apparently more important to the powers that be than making sure the whole system doesn’t collapse. I’m still shocked that they’re this stupid, but I’ve never tasted incredible power mixed with total impunity apparently.

I’m going to be 0% surprised when I find out that they’ve been hunting the homeless for sport on game preserves in Wyoming.


We are all trauma patients trying to forget as much as possible for our sanity but this was obvious at the time!

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