The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Is that the set of Trump’s Home Shopping MAGA Channel or something?

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You laugh about the Mount Rushmore, but it’s probably legitimately in play once he wins in '24.

I wasn’t laughing man

neh, there’s no way to fit another face on the mountain. noem literally made a potemkin model and trmp bought it hook line and sinker.

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In case there was any question about little hands.


Rogan’s head should explode at the sight of that picture.

His fighting stance looks like he is holding the handlebars on a tiny bike.


The Korean dude is ready to fight. Trump is ready for a manicure.

Mariner has previously been convicted of felony theft, cocaine possession, and obstructing justice. He continues to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election, has praised the Jan. 6 rioters who attacked the Capitol, at least once had a Confederate flag tattoo on his right arm, and was accused by his ex-wife of threatening to kidnap and assault her. (She now fervently supports his candidacy.)

But the 36-year-old advertising executive won the GOP primary for Florida’s 20th Congressional District on Nov. 4 with about 58 percent of the vote, even though he admitted to The Daily Beast that he’s never actually lived in the district.



Trump is so fucking weird. I mean, obvious statement is obvious, but just try to separate out him being a horrible person, the fact that he was POTUS, etc., and just think about how fucking bizarre the guy is.

Generationally rich people that inherit their wealth from parents are almost always weirdos. You don’t develop social skills if you never have to engage other people on an equal footing, or ask people with power to give you something. Those are the scenarios where you learn to trade in social skills.

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Trump seeks out immediate surface level, short-term gratification regardless of the consequences that come with it. He’s like a small child on the lookout for candy.

Yes, Trump is a 75 year old man with the brain chemistry of a 4 year old.

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Like if Trump was a fictional character in a TV show, I’d say, “Come on…” and stop watching and then five weeks later, I’d catch my wife watching the show and I’d ask her why she was still watching this stupid garbage and she’s say that she likes mindless trash sometimes, plus she’s already invested time in it and wants to see it through, to which I remind her that she doesn’t have to do that and can just stop watching the show.


Whatever happened to all the chatter about him having some degenerative disorder that would make him unable to walk within months or whatever? That turned out to be total wishcasting like half the rest of it?


So…basically The Apprentice


Apt comparison imo. I remember my dad trying to teach me fiscal responsibility when I was 4 by asking me if I’d rather have 100 pennies or 100 gum balls. I just stared at him as if he were a moron and didn’t answer. 4-year old me and 75 year old Trump had commonalities, but at least I was potty trained.

I know lots of generationally rich people who are normal. They are normal because they didn’t have any idea how rich they were until they were well into adulthood.

Narcissistic assholes like Fred Trump take a different approach, usually with tragic consequences.

Separately, all of this is the NY Times fault, if they don’t run that last BUT HER EMAILS headline Trump loses and none of this happens.


Indeed. I have had the same experience.

I think this is more common in the first generation of generational wealth. People that build a fortune to hand to their kids usually want their kids to “make it” the same way the parents did, with blood sweat and tears etc etc. With successive generations the connection to original hard working values diminishes. When you start with a Fred Trump type, you get dysfunction right off the bat. When you start with a more decent person, the first generation of kids will often capitalize on the head start by becoming doctors and lawyers and having the parents fund their first down payment etc etc so they are advantaged in a way by the privilege, but they’re actually expected to work. But a couple of generations down the line you often end up with a bunch of rich assholes arguing about how to extract the last remaining value out of the family fortune.