The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I have faith in the deep state to root out 99% of the plots against the “easy targets” of vote counting stations. The mass needed to be effective even at the margins requires a sophistication that just isn’t there.

Would I be 100% comfortable working security in a swing state vote counting operation? No, the loons do clearly feel empowered.

If I were a GOP strategist I’d consider every extra bit of resources/worry on that a win.

I have every intention of helping out again for the election next year, so the answer to this question is ME. :muscle:

But if they already know the fix is in and the legislature won’t certify any dem victories, then the actual count doesn’t matter anyway so why bother storming the election center?

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Like nominate Donald Trump for the presidency?

I used to think something like that would be the end of the party.

“dead revolutionaries” is a very wide cohort into which ashli babbit fits in just fine. most of the time they are myths concocted post-mortem and used as propaganda.

the right wing know how to get vorp out of some fb qanon cosplayer anyways. left wing are trying to convince themselves that manchin is vorp.

waaf. lol.

In retrospect, I think the US would be better off now if they got like 5 congressmen. It would have spooked enough corporate types and GOP donors to definitively break with trumpism, probably fracture the GOP, and the DOJ could go full force against Bannon, Eastman, Miller, Rudy, and maybe even Trump. Nancy has had a good run and would have been a solid martyr. As usual, Trump’s basic lack of competency saved him.

Go ahead, stop playing games, outlaw Roe. Even dumb republican women will be able to do the math on that.

Having martyrs to rally around helps solidify support for a cause.

LOL no.


I have some very bad news for you.


I remember reading Handmaids Tail and there were a lot of women saying “but they can’t do that”

Same thing will happen here. You can jail me I’m a senator!


“Israel had such power, and rightfully, over congress”

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I mean, sure, we’re going to lose almost every election going forward, but we can take solace that we got him.


The one tunnel cop they talk to for a good chunk who got pulled into the crowd 100% thought he was going to be murdered. Go back and look at the footage where you can see him alone in the mob screaming out that he has kids. Those are the eyes of a man who knows he only has seconds to live.

Its no wonder there are some who took their lives. That kind of trauma can really fuck a person for life.

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Yeah. The “Tragic death of the republican party” thread wasnt a joke. We really thought the party wouod be disbanded by this point.

We were so naive to have faith in humanity.

We really thought that people would have a breaking point where they would be outraged at what was happening and no longer associate with the party.

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People looked at demographic trends and assumed that Facebook Boomers would die off and a growing Hispanic population would all vote Democratic.

I have seen, conservatively, 1,000 articles since 2016 predicting actual legal trouble for Donald Trump. These people are as delusional as the QAnon people waiting for JFK yesterday.


JFK did show up, tho:

We got him?

Talking about what a mob intends to do or not do makes no sense. Mobs are notoriously unfocused and fickle and easily convinced to do atrocious shit at the drop of a hat.

Realize I’m late here, but 100% yes. All the time when I worked in the Bronx.