The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I mean, no? The people that were inside after breaching were tearing down barricades and assaulting cops to get inside. Or they were watching that happening and following along.

They thought they were right and the universe is just, so everything would work out in the end. It’s as if they naively believed Goebbels’ explanation of Kristallnacht as spontaneous demonstrations and thought something similar could occur and take down Congress if they just let it happen. There will be people who won’t make that mistake again and who will have more well-thought plans for whatever the next opportunity for mischief may be.

A person got shot by secret service who deemed her enough of a threat to shoot her. I think they should have been shooting sooner tbh.

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The top-tier craziest Qanon and Proud Boy assholes would definitely have murdered Pelosi and AOC, and the ones who were just going along with it wouldn’t stop them.

So if Pence and everyone else had just gone along with the coup, what kind of governing would we have seen after that? If elections don’t matter, the rule of law can’t matter. Would they even pretend not to be a complete dictatorship?

They were probably worried that killing one could excite the crowd, so they wanted to make sure the politicians were locked down.

Where we go one, we go all, they say? Fuckers should have followed Ashli to the grave. Turned out they were a bunch of pussies.

Dude, they were assaulting police officers outside. That is felony or shoot on site for minorities in this country. Seemed dangerous then.

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Officer Goodman lured the crowd toward where security was barricaded, if the rioters had gone the other way they would have got to the main senate chamber with a bunch of Congresspeople still inside and totally undefended.

coolstorybro? Black people are scared to get pulled over but they just assault cops daily? wat?

The number 1 threat to cops right now is COVID. I’d bet cops beat people more than they get assaulted in a heartbeat. Where are all these drunk people fighting cops at?

It was funded by rich smart people who learned their lessons. Every red state now has, or will have, a Trumpy AG / legislative person / whatever who will refuse to certify. After that happens, a violent armed mob of lunatics will be very beneficial to them. It’s one thing to storm Congress - pretty clear that deserves a violent response. But what about a “disputed election?” Who is going to stop them from storming the Fulton / Maricopa counting places?

Like, actual drunk tank drunks are assaulting cops? LOL. Then, the assaulter gets dropped off at the ER? Huh. I’m sure they are a huge threat. Cmon dude.

Tucker is going to release a set of shows defending the insurgency. This isn’t even fringe shit, and by 2024 it will be Republican orthodoxy that Dems stole the election. There are absolutely no brakes on this train.


People need to think really hard about how far they are willing to go to protect democracy against a Republican steal. If they storm a voting place, should we rely on the police to protect elections? Is “counter-storm” a word?

I think you should watch the special Trolly mentioned or find footage from the day of. A stupid wasted dude who has to go to a drunk tank to sober up vs. crazy roided out gun nuts is totally different. Your story involves cops bringing in the dude they arrested. These people beat the fuck out of the capital police. I believe more than one has committed suicide since.

It’s pretty obvious that the left will lose. Like, it’s clear as day. The democrats will be making speeches and writing letters right up to the moment they’re sent to prison or executed.

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The point is they can do a coup without the killing politicians part.

Yeah we probably agree. 99 percent of people that get pulled over or interact with police though do not assault them and calling it a tough job when the bouncer usually has the dude already contained when the police show up is kind of a weak comparison to like actual assaults. Carry on.

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It’s probably a moot point since Dems seems like a huge dog in the 2024 elections. Harris vs. Desantis? Could be a blowout.

It’s like you people don’t think Republicans could every do something dumb that costs them the election.

I’m rooting for Roe to get explicitly overturned.