The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Yeah, the first thing I noticed was how close it was to a Nazi salute.

I’d like to see him try that with a glass of water in his hand


It isn’t?

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This story is cray, cray.

direct link:

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Nothing will happen

i’m confused. wasn’t fbi supposed to be like installing deep state communism? who is in charge over there?

Man we are pretty lucky they didn’t come heavily armed. If they had they would have succeeded. If just groups like the oath keepers had AR-15 the almost entirely unarmed capitol police would have gotten rolled

I’m sure the fascists haven’t noticed that and they definitely won’t come better armed next time.

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And I’m definitely sure that they haven’t noticed that polling stations could easily be taken over with like 1/1000th of the force of the January 6th mob.

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I’m in no way optimistic about America’s democracy nor do I want to make light of the violence that occurred, but I think there is something to be said for Jan 6th being the right “taking up arms”.

That was it. Thats what that looks like. It’s not pretty and people got hurt and worse, but let’s not pretend there was any real threat to the republic through the violence.

This is exactly wrong.

They were scared of consequences and are seeing none. Green light for next time, lessons learned.


It was a bunch of people who thought that simply being on what they thought was the side of the righteous and making a lot of noise was enough to get what they wanted. There are going to be people who walk away from that with the lesson that they didn’t try hard enough and they need to up the stakes.

The Trumpists have the critical mass to sustain an armed insurgency. I don’t expect an outright civil war because the establishment is going to win any civil war, but I would not be surprised to see a long-running insurgency that is never quite quelled. If you’ve got a blueprint for how Israel can completely win over the Palestinians, that may be what we need to follow to take care of our domestic enemies.

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You should watch the HBO 1/6 documentary. These clowns got insanely close to actually executing a lot of Congresspeople.


I think more of them are willing to die now than were willing on January 6.

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Most of us were watching it go down live. It doesn’t get much closer to actual gov’t officials getting kidnapped/murdered or whatever than that. I think part of it is that they were too dumb to actually have any solid plan after “breach buildings”. The crowd rage made so many people start acting irrational that it could have gotten pretty crazy. I wish I could write a post like Dvaut but I just hit send and don’t even try.


They’re not going to storm the Capitol again. They’re going to do something like coordinated home invasions of members of Congress during a recess.

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Also, the mixed composition of the Jan 6 group can be misleading. People see Trumpy grandmas and goofy face paint / horn guy and they write it all off as absurdity. But there were also people that were more prepared and ready to do violence.


It’s not going to be this next time.

Imagine if they had just tried to take over the voting or vote counting places in Detroit, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Atlanta, etc.

I see no reason why it wouldn’t work next time.

right, there was only a small amount of people with an actual plan, and even then zip tie douche was probably on his own

the vast majority were just there thinking it’d be a party

I’m more concerned about state capitol stuff, it’s easier to get a group to do that