The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Yes I know about Fake Melania i just don’t know why she’s being brought up now. Was there new intel?

The proof is the picture a few posts up

100% not her

there’s a feeling that after the admin is out more people inside it will talk about the crazy shit that was too crazy to talk about while he was still potus

This is a thing the commoners do for fun. I imagine it is bewildering to an 18th century nobleman.

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Ah that thing; I didn’t even recognize it in the first place. Never used one.

He’s chairing a QAnon meeting at the same time.


She was probably taking secret selfies a la @dlk9s. “…and this is Melania-me chillin’ on AF1. We call it AF1.”


Vlad and Kim had a summit.


We got him!

I’m pretty stable and I can’t remember ever yelling at my radio before, but I was listening to the Daily podcast today and they had Trump supporters on to talk about how they felt after the insurrection. One “trump Mom” had kind of a throw away line about a civil war and how she’d leave the country before that happened. And I started screaming at the radio about what the fuck country are you going to go to? Any country that she’d want to live in already has the “socialist” policies that progressives are fighting for. Where are you going to go, lady, Somalia? Russia? By the sounds of it it doesn’t sound like Mexico. I’m sure she’s thinking Canada or Europe but jesus fucking christ, those are “socialist” countries. I was legit angry for an hour.

The podcast is here. The civil war line starts at around 24:40.


Oh good, let’s check in with Trump voters again to see how they feel about things.


Get this guy a good employment lawyer.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) pointedly blamed President Trump on Tuesday for having “provoked” the violent mob that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.

I can’t believe it’s over tomorrow… like the mother fucker is hopping on a plane never to return to office again. He’s going to grift and tweet his remaining years away, but at least I don’t have to hear his stupid fucking name every day of my life. The journey to tomorrow has been filled with absolute rage that probably took a few years off my life; but hopefully it ends there (paging @SweetSummerChild). Good riddance you evil son of bitch and rot in hell.


Hear hear!


I wouldn’t be so sure about that.


“I have to wash my hair.”


Glad it’s not my doctor that participated in an insurrection, but I just clicked a link to sweat it. Mark me down for Team Never Saw That Coming.

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Btw the (ER) doctor who was arrested is in some astroturfing physician group and also a Stanford Law grad because of course she is. Big hydroxychloroquine pusher.

She has a blog!

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