The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years


Wait so he never went back for the 2nd part of his physical?

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will ferrell as george bush “how do you like me now?” comes to mind.


“Pam Bondi has our complete faith and confidence”


Did CL get caught trying to bang Ivanka?

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Not Ivanka, and not trying.

Lol Mags still breathlessly reporting Trump-world drama.

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Yeah Kristi was Trump’s to bang and he bogarted her.

The arbiter said the agreement effectively imposed on Manigault Newman “an obligation to never say anything remotely critical of Mr. Trump, his family, or his or family members’ businesses, for the rest of her life.”

“Such a burden is certainly unreasonable,” the judgment said.

I think @Riverman (edit: that was @simplicitus, thanks @iron81. Sorry, riverman :man_shrugging:.) has been saying basically this for years, so props.

Orange response:

“Nobody in her life has done more for Omarosa than a man named Donald Trump,” he said. “Unfortunately, like certain others, she forgot all about that – which is fine with me!”


That was @simplicitus.

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One might be forgiven for assuming that ignoring just one court order would have consequences.

This is a real court order, not a Congressional subpoena.

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Roger Stone ring a bell for you?

that seems like it’s pretty bad news for Jones, any law bros able to verify if he’s actually fucked, or just appearing to be fucked?

He’s been fucked forever. It’s been a given for years that a jury is going to decide how much he owes sandy hook parents for the continued harassment and defamation.

I genuinely think it might be 9 figures

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And then an appeals court will reduce it to like $3 million and the attorneys will get all the cash.

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Well, Jones doesn’t have enough money to make any judgment over 6 figures really meaningful.

Didn’t he die of cancer?