The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Seriously. Does she have people for this or did she do it herself?


Didn’t realize that Pelosi would have actually become president under a more realistic unfolding of the Eastman plan.

Once they actually started pushing forward with the couping, I don’t think stuff like “but now you don’t have a joint session!” would have made a ton of difference, and I am highly suspicious of any theory which says the rules would have saved us. But who knows.


Yeah. Like every other coup attempt anywhere ever, when the shit hits the fan the military (or the best positioned faction therein) decides. Author is maybe tacitly acknowledging this talking about how it now looks like Milley would have broken for Pelosi. Which itself is a dubious proposition imo.

Normally I’d say so but Eastman’s plan is an inverse of the normal “the rules will save us” idea. Eastman was attempting to pull a “one weird trick” idea where it depends on people following the rules in spite of popular will.

They’re not going to nuke any senior military personnel who aren’t loyal next time. Way before the actual coup happens.

lots of good stuff in here

Grisham alleges that Trump became obsessed with a young, female press aide who isn’t named in the book. The president constantly asked where the aide was during press events, Grisham wrote, and allegedly once requested that she be brought to his cabin on Air Force One so he could “look at her [behind].”

Trump behaved inappropriately with Grisham, too, she wrote — once calling her from Air Force One to assure her that his penis was not small or toadstool-shaped, as the porn star Stormy Daniels had alleged in an interview.

Grisham wrote that Trump once asked her then-boyfriend, a fellow Trump aide, if she was good in bed.

She is particularly negative about the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband Jared Kushner — both of whom held senior White House positions. She wrote that the first lady and White House staff called Ivanka “the Princess” who regularly invoked “my father” in work meetings, and Grisham dubbed Kushner “the Slim Reaper” for his habit of inserting himself into other people’s projects, making a mess and leaving them to take the blame.

The Melania Trump whom Grisham describes is as stubborn as her husband, but his temperamental opposite. She believed in self-care so much that she’d change into a robe and slippers almost immediately upon boarding Air Force One. Self-consciousness around her accent and her English grammar meant she rarely wrote anything on her own.

The Secret Service gave her a nickname, “Rapunzel,” because she rarely left her tower, a.k.a the White House residence. Agents would request to be placed on her detail so they could spend more time with their families, Grisham writes.

If she wasn’t spending time with her son, Barron, or her parents, she was working on her photo albums, which Grisham calls one of “her two children.” Deep into the pandemic, she spent two hours recreating the ribbon-cutting for the White House tennis pavilion because she hadn’t gotten the right shot weeks earlier. She was working on a photo shoot of a rug during the Capitol riot.

The airing of Trump’s alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels is what “unleashed” Melania Trump to start publicly contradicting or ignoring her husband — trying to embarrass him as he had embarrassed her. She walked into his first State of the Union address arm-in-arm with a handsome military aide Grisham had hand-selected because, Melania said, the floors of the Capitol were too slippery.

“I laughed to myself because I’d seen the woman navigate dirt roads in her heels,” Grisham writes.

And when Grisham drafted a tweet for Melania requesting privacy, saying she was concentrating on being a mother, wife and first lady, she had Grisham remove the word “wife.”

What the scandal didn’t unleash was an emotional reaction. Grisham wrote that Melania Trump didn’t believe her husband’s denials of the affair, but essentially shrugged it all off:“This is Donald’s problem. He got himself into this mess. He can fix it by himself.”

By the end of the administration, Grisham writes, the first lady was so checked out that she slept through election night, as hundreds gathered in the White House for a party Melania had strenuously objected to — given the potential for another coronavirus outbreak at the White House.


Slim Reaper is perfect



She was working on a photo shoot of a rug during the Capitol riot.


It really tied the room together.


He didn’t want to be the “butt of a joke” when he got a colonoscopy. Didn’t work. Some are saying he’s the biggest asshole ever.


1 was Rudy told where the bodies are buried

2 could he remember?

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A majority of Republicans still support Trump leading their party, according to polls. A CNN poll released in September found that 68 percent of Republicans and those who lean Republican say democracy is under attack, with about 7 in 10 of them believing that President Biden didn’t win the 2020 election. One side’s nightmare scenario — Trump running in 2024 and reclaiming the presidency — represents to the other side simply the democratic system working as it should.

Ultimately, it’ll be Republicans reclaiming the government via voter suppression and Democratic incompetence in 2024.

Enjoy the good times while you still have them.

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Wait, are these the good times? :grimacing:

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You’ll see them that way come January 2025