The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I take it real auditors are supposed to know what the normal process is because… that’s their job.

Does this mean 50 not-necessarily-for-Biden votes got counted twice and this is a legitimate error the ninjas should get credited for discovering? I’d hate to audit the auditors, but can they at least be clear on what their claims are?

Hopefully the fraudit is proving that pretending to find fraud by faking fraud and then finding it is hard to do without getting caught. Probably just as hard doing real fraud, which is pretty damn hard to do.

Yes, I think so. But such an event clearly falls under “human error that could not possibly impact the results” vs. “nefarious plan to steal the election from Trump”.

I mean I was in the room and watched those tabulators running basically full time for nearly a month. It’s not at all surprising that at some point one of the exhausted human operators screwed up and ran a batch twice. There are obviously processes and safeguards in place to prevent it from happening but it’s never going to be perfect.

I think elections are much more complex than most people realize (including the CyberNinjas). Between the damaged ballots, the military and overseas ballots, the early in-person ballots, the adjudicated ballots, the braille ballots, etc. there’s just a lot to keep track of. Their goal can’t possibly be to get the exact right number, just to get reasonably close enough that you have confidence the results are accurate. As we remember, the multiple county audits that had already been done showed no errors or discrepancies. If they wanted perfection, it would cost a lot more money. A lot more people would be involved, there would be much tighter processes and redundancy, and they wouldn’t hire $12/hr temps to do adjudication, signature verification, general poll working, etc.

There was a bizarre and scary moment when the cybersecurity expert was going through all the problems he found related to the machines and software and patches and log files etc. (He said one problem was that user and admin accounts on the system used the same password, and I’m almost sure this is just false.) He said there had been a script run on 3 separate occasions in 2021 that “overwrote log entries”. I think he said it was related to cleaning up entries that had blank passwords or something. Anyway he said because of poor security and logs, they couldn’t be sure who had run these scripts, but they had matched up video feeds from the room to identify the employee[s] who had done it. This caused the room to erupt in extended applause and cheering. As if this was not only incredible detective work but also some kind of smoking gun.

He then said they had screen shots of these individuals but were not going to expose them. I forget exactly how he put it, but the implication was clear. He knew those individuals would be stalked, harassed, threatened, and possibly killed. Just very weird.



Oh, come on!

Well maybe we didn’t find the fraud this time, but I think we can agree that there are enough questions that we have to restrict mail-in ballots, limit in-person voting, require drivers licenses, limit polling places in “suspect” neighborhoods (if you know what I mean)…thank goodness our state reps all across the country are working hard on this issue!


Did anyone really think Trump did all the insurrection work himself?

This is much longer than a typical op-ed column but also seems important. Cliffs: WAAF

“Fraudit” is a great self-own.

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I think he’s correct about the Trumpist’s success at stacking the deck, but is the overstating the willingness of people to fight and die to stop it.

I hope it’s also true that there’s less willingness on the other side. We often hear that when push comes to shove they’re mostly comfortable cowards who will just stay home and watch TV, but sometimes I wonder.

The problem with this reasoning is that they also find delight bordering on ecstasy when they have the opportunity to inflict cruelty on others. So they will leave the comfort of their homes if they have the numbers and are confident they can bully people.


It isn’t necessary for large numbers to fight and die to force the country into an unrecoverable crisis. All that’s necessary is to destabilize and delegitimize the federal government, which seems well on its way to happening.

There would probably be some regional fighting and dying after that, but I have a hard time seeing Connecticut and Nebraska going to war so they can stay in the same republic.

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That op ed is terrible. All kinds of ridiculous leaps of faith.

well, nobody thinks Trump did any work at at all so

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the only group willing to fight is the whack nuts willing to kidnap governors and storm state legislatures. and even them I’m not sure how long that lasts if you just cut the internet/cell phone/electricity. Americans don’t have any toughness at all anymore for that.

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I do recall. You lost.



LOL that’s A+ twittering