The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Meh, this is a bit of an overstatement. As a law bro, the law means a lot in most instances, but it doesn’t in very important instances and those are the ones that get all the attention (rightly so). The downside is that this undermines the rest of the legal system and it slowly erodes more and more as more and more people question why they should adhere to the laws when virtually all the wealthy and influential entities appear to get away with everything.

We got him! Lul



gonna be that chappelle’s sketch but instead of I plead the fifth it’s gonna be executive privilege

Well instead of actually going after someone endlessly tweeting about how it’s all unfair.

lol commanded

Pretty sure theyre just going to refuse to do anything

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They’re admitting it in public. Why would they refuse to produce documents? It’ll probably all be in the next book.

Trump [sitting at the Resolute desk]: Rudy, how 'bout a Diet Coke?

Giuliani: No thank you, Mr. President. I could use something a little stronger, though. This seditious conspiracy is making me thirsty!

Trump: No Rudy, I meant get me a Diet Coke. HAAHAHA

Bannon [head under a counter]: Don’t worry about it Rudy, I’ll just whip us up some margaritas as soon as I find the blender. Then we can see about killing this Biden Presidency!


It sounds like the totally legit audit run by non scam artists in Arizona is done. They did get a different result than the official one, Joe Biden has gained votes. BAHAHA


It’s diabolical. They knew they couldn’t change anything this time so they’re playing the long game. Having now proven themselves to be scrupulously fair, non-partisan, and accurate, CyberNinjas will now be put in charge of all election reviews in '22 and '24.

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They’d still have to get past the official elections people, who are all still pretty salty over the whole thing.

Following the news of the draft, Maricopa County Chairman Jack Sellers released the following statement:

"You don’t have to dig deep into the draft copy of the Arizona Senate/Cyber Ninja audit report to confirm what I already knew – the candidates certified by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General – did, in fact, win.

This means the tabulation equipment counted the ballots as they were designed to do, and the results reflect the will of the voters. That should be the end of the story. Everything else is just noise.

But I’m sure it won’t be. Board members told the truth in the face of angry phone calls and emails fueled by a coordinated campaign to shake Americans’ faith in the power of their vote. Will they accept the truth now?

He answers his own question, no.

$5.7 million is a pretty solid grift for recounting votes.

I mean now that the DOJ isn’t run by Trump, technically they could be jailed for refusing I think. LOL at Garland though.



I really did think they were going to go all out and straight up say the election was stolen. Their fall back position is pretty ingenious though. Say that Biden won the election to appease the liberals while pitching all the election stealing rules the Republicans want in place.

some still will

I’m watching the livestream of the CyberNinjas presentation. Dude is trying super hard to make a big deal about all these various discrepancies they’ve found, but he keeps having to admit that all the numbers involved are incredibly tiny, and likely just expected human error. Plus they don’t favor Biden anyway. LOL

Like for example, they apparently found a single batch of 50 ballots that was run through the tabulators twice. Out of more than 2 million ballots. LOL

He’s also whining a lot about the lack of cooperation with the county. For example, they were trying to make a big deal about something like 3500 “extra” votes that appeared in one file but not another. He said they finally heard back from the county that those voters are part of a class of protected voters (e.g., judges and battered women) whose addresses are non-public. LOL

Some new guy (“Ben Cotton”?) is now talking about his qualifications to be involved in the audit and included his time as a special forces soldier. LOL

Now we’re all waiting because he can’t get his PowerPoint to work. LOL



we got him dat jiff