The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

We have a shot if a really deadly COVID variant comes along and abolishes the police for us.

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Just a normal day in my very, very liberal little city.


He appears to have issues.

What’s that under the Fuck Biden? And fuck you for voting for him?


Yeah, we’re the ones with the feelings that need fucking alright.

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The French must really be pissed off about that submarine thing.


Thanks Dan Quayle.

Fucking sickening that Mike Pence saved democracy.


Mike is the best thing that ever happened to Dan. Not only did he take a lower spot in the Veep rankings, Dan is no longer the worst one from Indiana.

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Fuck your feelings snowflake!

Wait that would have worked?

lol, no.

If it would have played out like that maybe it would have been better, maybe it would have been a huge wake up call in this country… lol.

Anything to derail the slow death we’re going to get. When Republicans dominate both houses via voter suppression and other things, it will do so with the impression of legitimacy. LIbs are going to concede control without much of a fight.

Laws don’t mean shit. It’s the one thing lawbros will never figure out.


It’s like dab Carlin series on Rome and the downfall of the republic. Once political violence begins it’s all downhill from there, it’ll only escalate.

Well maybe not because libs will probably roll over and give up

This is pure uncut Upton Sinclair.