The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

That sentence length. So may commas!

loled at “a well known fact that is seldom reported”.


The most massively underreported story in American politics is the Republican Party’s very obvious plan to steal elections moving forward.

As bad as the voter suppression stuff is, it pales in comparison. No Democratic President will ever again be certified by a GOP Congress (either branch). The only way we get another Democratic President is through the Supreme Court. And once we get one GOP President, it’s over.

Once victory becomes impossible by ordinary means, we must either look towards extraordinary means or accept losing.

Right. I’ve accepted losing. I’m not going to die for this shit.


Losing it is

I’ll be in my hot tub if y’all need me


any actual battle tested general could shoot trmp in the middle of fifth avenue and not lose any supporters. and vice versa unfortunately.

Since I’m at work and bored I decided to see how many presidents didn’t start a war. 12. And this is going by Wikipedia list of wars which count like 3 days battles against a native America tribe as a war.

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I’d be willing to risk my life if we were fighting for an AOC style future. Definitely not for current democrats


If you’ve accepted losing, then you wouldn’t whine about it.

Was wondering about this. Does killing Trump help or hurt? Short run/long run?

edit: I mean, hypothetically of course.

Is that a necessary condition of acceptance? I whine about things that I have accepted.

It’s admittedly useless, but I do it sometimes.

Dead Trump is great, obviously. He’s a god damn unicorn.

I agree with the first part.

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It’s like listening to a poker player who tells nothing but bad beat stories.


That’s actually a great example. They whine, but the accept the result (i.e., they hand over the chips).

I’m not condoning it. It’s dumb and annoying. But the mere act of whining doesn’t invalidate one’s acceptance of a situation.

What I’m saying is, people who have resigned themselves to losing and have decided on a course of whinging are dumb and annoying.

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Yeah, I agree with that. I thought you were saying that the whining means they don’t accept it, which I don’t think is necessarily true.

Someone with a terminal disease who has truly accepted their fate won’t spend all their time being a crybaby. I suppose I can understand occasionally lashing out, but a steady drumbeat of complaints isn’t really acceptance.

After Roger Stone got served in the lawsuit by some Capitol police vs Trump, Stone, the Proud Boys, etc, (while doing a live radio interview) he took to social media and posted the cover sheet that included his address.