The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Nah he stopped because they convinced him to run again and he would need them

But what if it’s a perfect phone call?



So there’s going to be another rally called “Justice for J6”.

So far, Representatives Madison Cawthorn and Marjorie Taylor Greene have said they do not plan to attend, but several others have not yet disclosed their plans.


Oh boy, a temporary fence, that’ll stop the Nazis.

Looking forward to the Nazis facing less corporeal harm than the nonviolent BLM protesters did when Trump wanted a photo op.

Out of curiosity, if Milley really did what’s being reported, IS that treason? Is China officially an “enemy”, and does that make any difference? This seems like a really stupid thing for Milley/his people to admit.

Definitely not real treason but yeah incredibly stupid to say. It’s a super bad look even though we all know it was necessary

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Real or onion?

Has to be real, if for no other reason, is that no one, not even President George Washington, perhaps the greatest President other than Abe Lincoln, not to mention Donald J. Trump, could possibly write sentences, or type them really, like that.



That sentence structure is way too complicated for Trump.

Ianal but it seems like lots of stuff he could have said to reassure China might rise to the level of being disloyal to Trump without being anywhere near treasonous. It’s part of their jobs for government and military people to talk to their opposite numbers in nonfriendly countries.

Like if the US is doing military exercises, obviously you expect the Chinese to be suspicious but you don’t want things to get out of hand so you call somebody and say, “Look, we’re going to be out here doing such and such. Let’s not let things get crazy. Be cool for a couple of days.”

If Milley threw in a few words about Trump just blowing off steam by talking shit or said the fucker was crazy but we have these controls on his actions, well maybe that’s not generally what you want from the Chairman of JC and could get him fired, but doesn’t seem treasonous. Maybe there’s an argument if he said don’t worry, he was going to stop any action Trump tried he didn’t agree with but imo treason would require him saying or doing something that helps China in a way that’s clearly harmful to the US.

Edit: Regarding the twist in Trump’s statement, there’s no chance Milley told China he’d notify them of an attack.

Edit: I hadn’t seen this, quoted from Politico.

“General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise,” Milley is reported to have said.

If the quote is accurate, I still don’t believe he was referring to an attack on China. Like maybe he’d let them know if an attack on a NK missile site or something like that was imminent would make more sense.

he mad milley would rather do a coup with Li than trmp.

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Why hasn’t this been to court already? Ridiculous

I want to hear those in Matt from Chapo’s Trump voice.

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In case anyone wants to see a Rubio video.

Ok little Marco.

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I wonder how Milley and other anti trump generals are feeling about the fact Trump is about to be president again.

What an absolute shitshow it will be if it comes down to GA/AZ which the democrat wins but they flip it and send their own electors now. I mean the supreme court is a lock to rule thats constitutional.

With PA, MI and WI governorship are up in 2022. I’m sure the dems will fuck it up and not realize how important those are, but if dems any of those its a done deal, they will pass massive voter suppression laws and give the legislature power to do whatever they want. Trump will essentially be a lock