The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Pat Robertson? Maybe? When his hair was less white? Idk

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Omg if so.

Zombie John Boehner imo

Or since that’s the dictator zone maybe it’s Orban or Lukashenko or something.


HA ha ha ha ha CHUCKY

dammit wrong thread lol

damn they have some perverse thing for melania.

who are the dudes on the left? paparazzi? press?

Beats me. Leftmost seem to be grief stricken but the rest are being consumed by the purple haze?

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That the company who owns the billboard is called Reagan is funny.


My main takeaway here is that it isn’t talked about often enough how lame Seinfeld’s stand up is.

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Oh good our generals were calling China and telling them to ignore our dipshit President, just fantastic. GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD stuff, for sure.


Sign of the apocalypse #722: Dan Quayle: Voice of Reason


The billboard also cites Romans 8:17, which is not the verse quoted on the sign. Rather, Romans 8:17 reads: “Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”

Billboard is in MTG’s district.


There are a few good bits in the CNN article.

Ivanka Trump also repeatedly tried to intervene, talking to her father three times. “Let this thing go,” she told him. “Let it go,” she said, according to the book.

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Then Graham gave Trump a dose of tough love in a phone call, telling Trump, “You fucked your presidency up,” according to the book. Trump abruptly hung up.

“I think he’s redeemable,” Graham concluded of Trump, according to the authors. “I think he’s got magic and I think he’s got darkness.”

That old dark magic has me in its spell
That old dark magic that you weave so well
Icy fingers up and down my spine
That same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine

Fuck I can’t believe trump didn’t burn the party to the ground. I bet he was close

He tried and is still trying.