The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

They then rationalize this by creating/embracing a false narrative that casts them as the victim in every circumstance. I mean if your enemies are persecuting you, surely this justifies coloring outside the lines occasionally.

They don’t think it’s coloring outside the lines. They think double standards are part of the lines.

Trump drinks those tiny bottles of soda to make his hands look bigger.


Shit I like those little bottles, though in my case it’s portion control.

i’ve always thought that even as rudy was a giant asshole of a mayor, the magnitude of 9/11 happening on his watch would be traumatic. i mean it fucked up a lot of people, both left and right. sorta makes sense that he’d be drinking to a blackout on every anniversary.

How’s that boycott of Coke going? To be clear, I mean senior boycotting Coke Cola because they did something liberal not junior boycotting cocaine which was never declared nor acted on.

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Giuliani is a massive alcoholic. Ex-wife Judith Giuliani:

“It [their divorce] was an ongoing process," she insists, “that began when he lost the presidential campaign.” Okay, then: a process of what? Aging, dementia, galloping halitosis; loss of faith, relevance, marbles … what ? Maddeningly, she goes mum.

“For a variety of reasons that I know as a spouse and a nurse,” she seals it, “he has become a different man.”

“Nurse” feels like a clue, as does her repeated use of the word “enablers” to describe his posse. Rumors abound as to his drinking and he has denied them.

Ex Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne:

He attributed Guiliani’s hair dye hysteria to him “working himself up like a grandpa” as well as the fact, “nine hours earlier, he had had nine shots of whiskey in under 90 minutes.”

Byrne credits the information of Giuliani’s alleged drinking habits to “colleagues” who interacted with him over the “afternoons and evenings, and weekends,” of the following month and a half.

"Nearly all mentioned two things: the inordinate amount of attention he was paying to his daily podcast, and his drinking.

"His own staffers were bringing it up to us. Something was clear to all who were around him: almost every evening, and many early afternoons, Rudy was s***-faced.

Michael Cohen:

Trump’s disbarred ex-attorney Michael Cohen claimed last year that “he is drunk all the time”.

He told MNSBC it was, “a big problem and that’s what makes him susceptible because his faculties are gone. He behaves crazy.”

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I feel like I have to cut Rudy a little slack here. If I had a podcast I would be spending as much time on it as required to afford booze.

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See this is why even though it’s sad and you want to help, you shouldn’t give republicans money. They only spend it on booze and podcasts.


yeah see. my previous reality was better, in that i didn’t have to know all this context about his wife etc.

eta: just realized his son is milking whats left of rudy before the inevitable.

Finchem is (among other things) just another grifter wrapped up in the fake “audit”:


I expect more than a few people I went to school with must be small business job creating or in low-level GOP posts in Arizona. I don’t FB much but I know a few are at least political shitposting. I wonder why at least one of them hasn’t popped up in one of these stories.

Didn’t get too far trying to interpret this.


Hands are way to big.

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Is it Pelosi with the spear? Who is that below Xi? Is Melania waiting for Trump to pee into her hands? Are the MAGA being swallowed up by the Earth, which is purple for some reason? Too deep for me.

I think Kamala?