The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Americans in general have always hated the fuck out of immigrants who arrived even a day after their immigrant forebears.

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Absolutely this. It’s the exact instinct that I have where I drive past a new housing development being built nearby and I’m mad about it, even tho 10 years ago I built a house here and that was totally a boon to the area.

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Yeah the Statue of Liberty should say:

“I got mine; Fuck Off!”


This is going to be a great and fun night. Any of your local cable PPV carriers will have it.

Fite.TV in shambles.

It was the Irish in the East and Chinese in the West to build the railroads.

Then it was Southern Europe (Italians) where they looked a little darker complexion.

Then there were the Jews and other Eastern Europeans.

Now it’s a bunch of folks that look very different and easy to identify as “other”.

Let’s not forget the original twin sins of the Native genocide and slavery/Jim crow.

Nice melting pot we have here.

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Lol round 1 knock out.

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so 20 years after 9/11 biden gets out of afghanistan and america is like no, this guy promoting a joke of a boxing event on the anniversary should be president again

I got that right?

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According to like 75 million people, yes.

Fuck the words GWB said.
Look at the actions he took.

2 stupidity wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while holding hands with the Saudi leadership, to enrich his crony oil and defense contract buddies.

Yeah, but once he made a nice speech…

Follow the money. Always.

on 9/11 a president promotes an event where all the americans lose to foreigners


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Good Lord that dude is gigantic

The US has “compassionately” killed over 300,000 Islamic civilian non-combatants since 2001, that’s what I call true care and concern. Nothing really says compassion like tons of explosive munitions being dropped on hospitals, schools and weddings.

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It’s not the universe, it’s that sane people continue to be taken aback by American conservatives embracing double standards. Sane people have completely and reasonably internalized that double standards are bad and fundamentally unjust. One trap that we keep falling into over and over and over again is that when they are openly self contradictory and support double standards our brains go “HA HA GOT 'EM THAT’S A DOUBLE STANDARD THAT PROVES I WIN THE ARGUMENT” but conservatives don’t just think that double standards are acceptable, they think that double standards are good and that a good society is one that established and enforces them. The universe isn’t trolling us, 30%+ of Americans are just fundamentally evil.


W left office with the lowest approval ratings ever. It wasn’t that bold of a move.

American conservatives are fundamentally consequentialist; the end justifies the mean. Double standards are morally acceptable within that framework if they accomplish the desired results.


But the double standards are the end. They just like the double standards.