The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Oh that’s real, it’s called the brown heel. That’s where UNC got their name from.


McDojo YouTube videos are hilarious, though occasionally pretty dark.

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A 10th degree black belt who was the head of our particular karate did seminars and made our sensei pass out with a touch to the neck lol.


Nothing to see here. I think its likely that the guy just thought Lindell would start flapping his arm to make funny noises.

I’m just saying, but maybe in the afterlife Trump has already been reinstated.

Photo of evil guy hours before the assault





Mark your calendars. Today is the day.


It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen to Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COVID

OMFG will your heart please just fucking explode already.


First I’ve heard of it. Former president calling on his successor to resign is the biggest news story unless former president is an assclown.

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What NYC cops are sharing now on Facebook:

Iirc I posted polling and like 87% of police supported Trump. Legit the worst people in the whole country

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Why wouldn’t they, he’s the only guy who explicitly told them to go out and crack skulls like they so desperately want to.

well considering progressives want to fire all of them I’m surprised it’s that low

anyway trump was on hannity and if you forgot just how bonkers the trump presidency was, well you could get reminded of it if you want. Though I don’t know why you would.

or a reminder that nearly half the country really thought that guy should be president


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Yes I can’t wait for the video of him throwing burkas wrapped up to be like paper towels at women who are clawing around him to get to freedom

Ah yes, progressives made police deplorable fascist pieces of shit.

These polls were before BLM protests and defund the police. 2018 IIRC.

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He’s going to win again

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More accurate

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