The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years


I think there is trolling potential in telling Trumpkins a long winded, detailed story about how gullible Jehova’s Witnesses must be. They set a date for the end of the world several times and when that day came and went they picked a new date without missing a beat. “Can you believe that? How stupid does one have to be to believe in these predictions over and over again?”


To be fair as crazy as the base is I think only like 10% of them believe the reinstated shit. That’s just the super online younger ones

When I was in university I slept 3 hours per day for long stretches (like months at a time). Bring 20 is a helluva drug.


What was it about today that the whackos latched onto?

Bit disappointed that you crazy people that are monitoring deplorable Twitter haven’t injected the next goalpost shift into my veins.



Yeah, I’m curious about this as well.

If you ask the Trump campaign (or anyone else) what 3x match means do they even have a bullshit answer? For example, is there any difference between a 3x and 10x match or is this just homeopathic fund raising?

Of im not mistaken it had something to do with a nationwide EMS test?

I think matching is a real phenomenon where a donor makes a large donation to be used specifically for matching. It’s an incentive to get you to loosen the purse strings by increasing the impact of your donation. I think NPR pledge drives do this, they’ll say “thanks to so-and-so we’ve got a match going this half hour” etc

It’s definitely not a trump or even a Republican thing; I get emails all the time for left orgs that have “2x” or “3x” matches advertised. Would it really get matched? Who knows?

I think the trump campaign was notable only because by the end they were talking about “8x” or “10x” matches which is just ludicrous.

I mean, it is blatant fraud.


What happens to any money from that donation that does not get matched?


Better luck next time, evil guy.


Was this the “attack” he was claiming?

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Man believing that there’s some self destruct button hidden in a human’s armpit is too funny

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I assume a legitimate org would refund the difference or perhaps not even collect until the match period has ended.

I don’t really know how it works, but if I call my local NPR during the next pledge drive and say I’ll match all donations during Fresh Air on Wednesday up to $5000, I think they’d just let me know afterwards how much to send them. :man_shrugging:

I was in a martial art as a kid that believed in pressure points. I swear there was supposed to be one on the side of your foot if hit allegedly caused you to shit your pants.