The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Obviously he knew this was what was going to happen, he’s just trying to sound objective.

he’s not, but he definitely comes off as one a lot (on twitter, at least). He legit knows his stuff, though. I’ve followed him on twitter for years and definitely had more than a handful of facepalms reading his shit. I think some of it is a bit but sometimes he just is way out there. His brain works different than ours.

You would think after Trump, My Pillow Guy, guy and the dozens of other MAGA donor dipshits, we could dispense with the idea that there is anything beyond a loose correlation between intelligence and wealth in this country.


Tons of this stuff is explained by America’s crippling generational wealth problem. Huge swaths of undeserving losers get rich because they start rich, and the system is designed to create successive K-shaped outcomes where every “what do we do now” event that America faces is met with “give the people with money more money i guess”.

Overstock guy is the son of a former CEO of GEICO. Donnie Dumb Dumb is the son of a ruthless slum lord. Lindell is actually the one of the three you named that actually did something that looks more like the classic nose-to-the-grindstone entrepreneur myth that Americans have about wealth. At some level he’s a charlatan and uses sketchy marketing, but he’s probably more deserving of his wealth than like 95% of these failson idiots that started on third and ended up on second claiming they hit a double.



we got him dot jiff


OAN used a swing set installer as a math election expert.

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I suppose you get your math advice from some person who got brainwashed at a commie university? No thanks!

You guys underestimate the need for math experts to install swing sets. The importance of calculations about speed and angle as it relates to a swinging swing cannot be overstated. Its our children for God’s sake!! Dude probably plays poker too. Damn.


Stay safe and secure everyone.


The rod of God must be quite a sight to behold


It’s not nuclear - it’s a tungsten spear launched from a satellite. Otherwise the rest is believable.

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I knew Stephen King messed up something in the translation in The Stand

This has been Alex Jones’ talking point for the last week. Also, if it doesnt happen its because he has been talking about it for the last week and bringing too much attention to it.

the communication blackout had already started in parts of the country.

That blackout started ~160 years ago.

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A pity that it’s for show only, considering immaculate conception and all.