The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

seriously, if this committee subponeas jim jordan and he says “go fuck yourselves” then what? LITERALLY nothing? please tell me that they can at least revoke his privileges to the stairmaster in the house fitness club or something.

“The corrupt and highly partisan House Democrats who run the House Oversight Committee yesterday released documents—including court filings dealing with the rigged election of 2020—that they dishonestly described as attempting to overturn the election,” Trump said while repeating claims the election was “rigged” despite having no evidence for the assertion.

“In fact, it is just the opposite. The documents were meant to uphold the integrity and honesty of elections and the sanctity of our vote,” he added. “The American People want, and demand, that the President of the United States, its chief law enforcement officer in the country, stand with them to fight for Election Integrity and to investigate attempts to undermine our nation.”

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The house doesn’t have to arrest him. Afaik the doj can punish people who ignore congressional subpoenas. Though looks like Garland is fine with letting republicans commit all the crimes.

Kind of amazing. They fucked him out of a supreme court seat, afaik not a single one voted to confirm him and talked shit and dragged out his confirmation, and he still protects them. Amazing

[quote=“StimAbuser, post:8440, topic:3854”]
The house doesn’t have to arrest him. Afaik the doj can punish people who ignore congressional subpoenas. [/quote]

punish them HOW? like, beyond frowning?

They can jail them for contempt iirc. Didn’t some Dem go to jail for awhile for refusing a subpoena?

In the case where there’s a whole lot of subpoena noncompliance, I think they’d find someone to make an example of. At least make a show of process and you can get away with it but blatant mockery won’t be tolerated. Gaetz, Jordan, or MTG will show where the line is.

What will actually happen: they will say “fuck you no” then tie it up in court until past the midterms as Lawbros insist this is a normal and good part of our highly functioning legal system.


Remember Hope Hicks refused to show up for a subpoena under orders from Trump and jack shit happened. And she’s not even a Congresscritter, she was just a toadie.

Legit forgot she existed. Don’t think she’s crossed my mind once in at least a year.

So the select committee is continuing to work or are they taking summer holidays as well?

Had to review the history but she did agree to turn over documents and WH made executive privilege noises. So it wasn’t an explicit FU. If she’d made a loud public display of disregard for process, it might have been different. I agree most likely nothing will happen. Unless you call the ump a cocksucker. If the situation arises, MTG and her ilk may well do that so we’ll see.

Lol Flynn absolutely called the ump a cocksucker and got off completely.

As long as the openly corrupt president can just pardon anyone he conspires with, well, that’s a pretty big leak in the whole checks and balances fantasy.

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They don’t have Trump and his WH counsel and DOJ backing them up anymore. They can push Nancy, and Joe and company around, but they’ll only find out how far if they fuck around.

The answer is almost certainly “pretty fucking far”.

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“There’s no reason for you to have said this!” he said, according to the book. “You must hate Trump!”

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I don’t know who this guy is, but Lol:


Another “free speech platform”?

These things must be amazing grifts. Gab, Parler, now GETTR? They last like a few months and each time they collect a shitload of information to sell to other companies and political campaigns.