The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years


If Klingon food is too strong for you, perhaps we could get one of the females to breastfeed you.



The issue literally got litigated to the Supreme Court already!

That says no returns until Trump has a fair opportunity to say no because he’s still under audit.

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You gotta feel bad for Trump. I mean the man has been continuously under audit for 3,000 years.


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How is the Lincoln Project still relevant? Thought they were done for.

Yeah, wasn’t their mission to stop Trump from getting elected? Why it’s almost as if they’re just in it for the grift!

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And what was sad was that grift made more effective ads than the Biden campaign itself.

But because Biden was nice to Rs we get to enjoy all these bipartisan policy wins.

So there’s a literal handwritten note from Trump ordering people to ignore the election result. Hey, this whole 1/6 investigation was a great use of everyone’s time and money, wonder what they’ll uncover!

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Looking back, it was incredibly stupid of Hillary to show up for the 11 hour Benghazi circus hearing.


In fairness, the House might have actually arrested her if she’d refused a subpoena.

Right, but she obviously could have just litigated some bullshit privilege for infinity years.

Nah, man. The Republicans actually care about winning. They play hardball. The Dems just care about norms and being collegial.

giphy (1)

I have it on good authority that this is a useless move since they can’t actually hold her anywhere.

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