The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years


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Sorry Ted, I’m guessing this does not apply to sitting presidents because futw.

Democrats 2022: “We’re looking into it.”


I’m sure I’ve seen this film Seven7 and the ending.

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Guys, good news. I’ve been watching cable news all afternoon and there is widespread agreement that Donald Trump did in fact commit a crime.


Dear Christ, why?


US Senator Sheldon WHITEhouse (no word on whether this tweet thread was sent from his all white country club) seems to think this is a big deal! A consequential development!

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The most ridiculous part of the failed coup is that Trump clearly didn’t realize he could just fire all the people that were refusing his orders. He literally could have installed Jim Jordan as attorney general and My Pillow Guy as secretary of defense. A stone cold dipshit. The next guy won’t be.


This can only mean one thing. The DOJ are signalling they will not stand in the way if Pelosi were to convene a Congressional committee to issue an appeal to the Missouri Fifth Circuit, to reverse the stay order in United States v Obvious Con Artists, to allow evidence to be presented to a grand jury in Juneau, Alaska to unseal indictments against a guy who was once employed to do casual IT work for Trump University. Then there’s nothing standing in the way of Trump himself being issued a writ of stercus tauri. Absolutely huge news if true.


LOL can’t make this shit up


Ok, so if I’m understanding correctly. Whether or not to delay is now up to Treasury. So, Yellen could turn this shit over tomorrow if she wanted. Have I got that right?

But now he and the people still around him realize. And when he gets elected in 2024, the rails are off.

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So you’re telling me in about 2.5 yrs I’m gonna be praying for DeSantis to somehow win the nom.


The DoJ opinion doesn’t have force of law, she could always honor the original subpoena. However, she wanted the DoJ to weigh in on whether the normal laws protecting tax return privacy supercede that.

Sounds like they’ve weighed in.

So what the fuck is she waiting for?

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Due process, which she feels involves letting Trump’s lawyers weigh in.

So, at this point, Yellen is the one holding things up, not Garland? Is that right?

Then she’s a fucking idiot.

Also, who are they going to turn this shit over to? The House of Representatives just went on recess for a month and a half.

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lololololololol it’s been 5 years

The statute literally says that treasury “shall furnish” the tax returns

Total fucking joke


@anon10396289 does this change your opinion? Genuinely curious.