The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I made it a little over a minute in before BP spiked.

Love Raskin

“You don’t want to say if you heard the officers testimony under the 1st or 5th amendments or whatever”


raskin is brutal, dude is an operator


how did they even get this clyde dipshit to show up to this hearing?

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Clyde’s obviously a raging dickhole, but he’s sort of right:

“Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes, taking videos and pictures,” Clyde continued. “You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

The majority of the network TV coverage I saw during the events themselves matches this description. They kept showing that rotunda with people walking through the ropes and cops just standing around. It was only later that a fuller picture of what had actually happened emerged. It’s obscene to cling to this incomplete narrative once that fuller picture was known, but his statement is technically true and therefore, in his mind, defensible.

Also Raskin is awesome but he seems a lot like Glenn Greenwald with a crazy wig on.

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The Dems need to learn the importance of theatrics. Spitting hot fire in a measured, reasoned tone simply does not resonate. Guys like Raskin, Schiff, and lol Nadler are fucking useless in waging the PR war.

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Can someone explain what is going on with Raskin’s hair? You aren’t fooling anyone bud.

Dems need to embrace a post-truth reality.

Yeah that clip played on hayes yesterday and I was like “do you really think this makes us look good here?”

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Uh oh!

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Why does Fox even have ads when 90% of their revenue is carriage fees?

A) More money is better than less money
B) Commercial breaks mean you need to generate less content, and your anchors/guests/producers get to take breaks and stuff instead of having to go non stop.


The officials also told Mr. Trump that the Justice Department had no evidence to support a lawsuit regarding the election results. “We are not in a position based on the evidence,” they said. “We can only act on the actual evidence developed.”

Mr. Trump castigated the officials, saying that “thousands of people called” their local U.S. attorney’s offices to complain about the election and that “nobody trusts the F.B.I.” He said that “people are angry — blaming D.O.J. for inaction.”

“You guys may not be following the internet the way I do,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document.

In a moment of foreshadowing, Mr. Trump said, “people tell me Jeff Clark is great, I should put him in,” referring to the acting chief of the Justice Department’s civil division, who had also encouraged department officials to intervene in the election. “People want me to replace D.O.J. leadership.”

“You should have the leadership you want,” Mr. Donoghue replied. But it “won’t change the dept’s position.”

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We got him!!


This reads like another press release thingy rather than a spontaneous gas release but not sure.

“Under the weak leadership of Mitch McConnell, Senate Republicans continue to lose,” Trump said in a statement. “He lost Arizona, he lost Georgia, he ignored Election Fraud and he doesn’t fight.”

“Now he’s giving Democrats everything they want and getting nothing in return,” he continued. “No deal is better than a bad deal. Fight for America, not for special interests and Radical Democrats. RINOs are ruining America, right alongside Communist Democrats.”

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I see Merrick Garland wants to test out his new shredder


Maybe I’m just so beaten down by recent events, but I’m at least half expecting Yellen to come up with some reason why she is not going to turn them over.

Can’t wait until January 2023 when some loser Dem claims that they were about to release the tax returns when they lost the house lol