The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

It’s not that much work really. Americans have a lot of emotional investment in the idea that their Presidents are a never ending sequence of Great Men that are Fulfilling America’s Destiny. The only exception is Obama (!) who Americans are comfortable to give the First Black Guy achievement badge and then ignore. Even Donnie Dumb Dumb will be fully rehabilitated in the fullness of time. He’ll always appear on lists of the worst Presidents because the American ruling class is thoroughly embarrassed by him, but the ultimate narrative about Donnie Dumb Dumb won’t be the truth. He will be recast as “a sometimes coarse and controversial figure who tapped into the angst of the white working class abandoned by globalism, but who ultimately played an important role of bring a voice to people that were ignored by the Clintons and Obamas”. Americans have dutifully refused to confront their ugly past since forever, they’re not going to start now.


These votes would mean a lot more if your median voter could name a single thing that half the Presidents did. Why do people have a favorable opinion of JFK? Because he banged Marilyn Monroe. Why do they have a favorable opinion of Andrew Jackson? Because he’s on money.


When I was a kid Andrew Jackson reliably came in the top 5-10 on these lists - I actually would expect him to to better here then he did. I suppose some of Johnson’s support comes from people confusing the two. Likewise, I suspect that a lot of people just can’t abide by a president whose name is “Millard” - yuk.

I have to admit that from Cleveland on down, I don’t know much or anything about them except Tyler.

Still has a living grandchild. Tyler was born in 1790.


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People probably confused Millard with Mallard Fillmore


Millard 4 spots over Trump in CSPAN’s historian survey.

I’d put the legendary adult swim bumps in the same category. My favorite art of all time; especially the miniatures.

Until he says “fuck you no”

Well, someone dislikes the new CDC guidance.

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I invite you to check out the comedy stylings of Donald J. Trump Jr.


I’m just asking questions here!

The real question is why was the security so lax that they opened the doors and just let people walk right in? I mean, we all saw the videos. That’s exactly what occurred. So, why did it happen?

James Gleick is a smart guy, it’s sad to see him falling down the #Resistance rabbit hole.

Literally everyone in that video should be going to prison for anything the DOJ can make stick but Merrick Garland thinks it’s more important to protect the norm of powerful people never experiencing any consequences than the norm that you don’t try to overthrow the entire political system. WAAF basically.

I still think the moment Jr recorded there is perfect for a Scorsese long panning shot in the eventual movie.

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I am pretty sure that video isn’t from January. I believe it is from an election party.

It is from January 6th. Here is the longer version where you can see them looking at a screen showing the rally:


There was a video making rounds a while back that was supposed to have been filmed on January 6th(?) but was from an earlier event. That video looked similar to this one.

AP Fact check confirms the one posted above is indeed from 01/06:

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Also, in the video, Jr. wishes Eric happy birthday. According to Wikipedia, Eric’s birthday is indeed insurrection day.

The back and forth is lame but the vein in Clyde’s forehead is close to bursting.

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