The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

it’s painful to listen to NPR on the radio when you’re used to podcasts at double speed. just glacial.


We will put CBC on in the car once in a while.

One of the best parts of NPR is getting to hear new beats in the intros and segueways and, specifically, on snap judgement.

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That’s a spelling I’ve never seen before.



Segueway: an electronic transportation device. More than apt.

NPR interstitial music is its own genre and it is wonderful.

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ok boomer

You think they’re playing like Frampton and Joni Mitchell?

trmp is literally trying to pull a RICO racketeering crime in plain sight, and nothing will happen.

am i doing this right, @Riverman ?

i can see now that we are out of touch with the rest of america

oh now they are saying police didn’t have enough training? for an insurrection? fuck, they are going to use this to turn radicalize even more police and upgrade each PD with tanks and drones.

not only that, when they do steal an election, and a left-wing protest goes to the capitol, they will be met with teargas and grenades. it’s fucking over.

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Need to work in some complaining about boomers.

Still 39%.

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Holy fuck, the W Bush rehabilitation project has done amazing work. Basically tied with Carter.

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Andrew Johnson clocking in with a 24% approval rating. :thinking:

#1 in the dark red. Wtg DJT!

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