The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I’m sure there have been a handful of great grift ideas along these lines posted on unstuck. Someone just needs to take the initiative to run with one of them.

Like conservatism as a political movement is mostly performative now, everything is either triggering the libs or impressing other conservatives with your efforts to trigger the libs, so of course this is fine by them. It’s not “pointless theatrical bullshit, lol at buying this” it’s “pointless theatrical bullshit, this is exactly what I’m all about, $100 worth please”.


I can’t express how completely disappointed I am in this community. In 5 years we haven’t figured out a way to grift the Trumpers? We should be ashamed of ourselves.


The problem is perfectionism. Just half-ass something and shamelessly promote it like Trump. Like take some diet coke cans and slap labels on them: Trump’s Bullshit Big Lie Snake Oil-- Guaranteed to grow hair and solve your erectile disfunction! Now with extra exclamation points!!! And misspellings!!!


EddyB at 2+2 sold Trump Flakes cereal boxes at $10 a pop or something like that. Yes, just the box, cereal not included.

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Now that’s the spirit!


Yeah, but that was the 3-6 limit hold 'em of grifting. The potential is so much greater.

I think people have figured it out, it’s just that no one has chosen to execute on one of the several great plans that have been proposed.

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Can you post still from jail?

If we actually cared to do it we absolutely could make a fortune. Fish in a barrel.

Super vitamins like Infowars only they protect against vaccine shedders. Once Rogan starts taking them we are rubbing it on our tittays.


MAGA nfts! Boom where’s my fortune?


Great idea. Now go execute it. Therein lies the rub. No one seems to have the motivation to actually follow through on any of these ideas.

Can we create a chrome filter that changes the top 100 election websites to show the 2020 POTUS AZ, GA, PA, and CA as red? Can you charge for such a thing? Is this how Facebook meetings went once they learned horny college kids were poor?

I’d say we could use clips from each of Trump’s rallies, but those are pretty fungible.

In all seriousness, I think this is a fantastic idea. In fact I’m pretty sure that someone, somewhere will do it in the next year.

Just rip a bunch of lame trump pics. Tack on a NFT and claim they are original.

Then make sure Trump finds out about it. He will instantly whine because he isnt getting a cut. This gives you publicity and you then release v2.0 definitely real trump pics.

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Idk from NFT but there could be a drop in value when Putin releases a 4k resolution pee tape NFT.


Set up a MAGA e-commerce store and charge morons a monthly subscription to exclusive access to new knick knacks. Don’t even add anything. Just send emails how it will be released in 2 weeks. Blame it on Biden that you need additional money to FIGHT BACK FOR YOUR FREEDOM. WWG1WGA.