The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Excited for the real statement to be even more absurd


Our best guess is that the phone is a rebranded Umidigi A9 Pro, which you can buy for about $120. Without a spec list, which just about every other smartphone manufacturer on Earth provides, we’re left with the strong impression that the hardware doesn’t match the price tag.

Lol a pretty epic grift if he actually gets a ton of people to buy it. Not even mad.


In case I’m not the only one who missed it. Brady’s got jokes!

I thought Brady was a trumper? That’s pretty good.


People thought he was a Trumper because he played golf with Trump but based on some articles around these jokes it looks like Brady avoided going to the white house while Trump was there and his golf sessions with Trump were not really his idea but things he did for Kraft.


Brady is legitimately a very very weird dude.

Not to mention a freak. I think we should stay away.


Everyone was saying Gisele forced him to turn down the invitation.

You might be the only one. Well, you and your pony.

Just so I’m clear, the Republican stance is that Nancy Pelosi should have made sure the Capitol was secured? Secured against what? Trump says these were “loving” people. Why do you need to fortify the Capitol in anticipation of “loving” people? Am I missing something? These are the simultaneous assertions, right?


They just throw shit at the wall to see what sticks. If two mutually exclusive things stick then oh well.


Yeah they really don’t care at all about being inconsistent. They do it all the time. Vaccines are bad and Joe Biden is a failure for not vaccinating people fast enough. Blah blah blah. For going on 7 years now Dems have been foolishly chasing their tails refuting Republican arguments where the entire point of them making those absurd arguments is to make you waste time and effort chasing your tail refuting them. It’s actually a neat trick by the Rs - they get groups of D supporters patting themselves on the back for refuting their intentionally bad faith arguments and as a result the D supporters spend literally no time whatsoever thinking about how to actually use power, let alone actually get around to using power or pressuring the D politicians to use power. They will be doing this right up to when they are loading D supporters on trains to the concentration camps and the Ds on the trains will be smiling because they “won” the argument.


You mean like mail-in ballots, signatures, illegal aliens voting, voting machines, Italian satellites, corrupt officials, late night dumps, bamboo in the ballots and dead people? I’m starting to understand now.

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Trump on Jan 6, Pence, SCOTUS

In a surprise to absolutely nobody with a functioning brain, the fix was in on the FBI investigation into Rapey McDrunkface.

Don’t worry about it, Dems called it a “sham”, so Rs will never do it again because they are so embarrassed!

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People bought that thing? God damn it. I really have to brainstorm some ways to scam conservatives.

Like I saw that and was like “OK, I mean I respect what you’re doing here, but that’s too on the nose even for Trump fans”. I should have known.

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Subtlety is definitely an underrated casualty of the Trump era