The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

The oligarchs had a great thing going and it would have continued peacefully had they told Republican Congress critters to nuke Trump. As if Dems are going to do jack shit to fundamentally change anything - look around. Turns out the .01% are as delusional and racist as the rest of the GOP, so here we are. Sociopathy is a lot more predictive of outrageous wealth than intelligence.

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I’ve been trying to think of why that is recently and the best I can come up with is this:

During a career with a high trajectory there will come a point where you will have the opportunity to do something that is really genuinely good, but at significant expense to your career trajectory either by flattening it or by ruining it.

The highest levels are made up of people who absolutely never took one of those opportunities. Every single chance they had they chose themselves over the greater good they chose themselves. Because otherwise they never would have risen so high.

Occasionally someone comes along who is so good that they can get away with that shit, but that’s extremely rare.

We’re systematically weeding out the mission oriented from leadership and selecting for selfishness is basically what I’m saying.

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Right, but smart selfish would be “tell the politicians we own to nuke Trump.” He’s a massive threat to them and when he institutes one party authoritarian government it’s going to suck a lot worse for them than whatever imagined horrors they think are going to come from Democrats being in charge.

They’re just not that smart.

panama papers exposed some identities and which loopholes they all used, but not outright fraud. like the ireland/iceland tax heaven, they were solidly on the ledge of legality.

Yeah on this we agree. In a lot of ways Trump’s own family is perfectly illustrative of what is going on here. Trump’s grandfather was a smart narcissist who made his money Al Al Swearengening it up out west and died young. His son was a very smart narcissist, imporant mafia associate, and one of the bigger homebuilders and slum lords on the east coast, and his grandson was a third generation narcissist with no redeeming characteristics besides shameless self promotion which with a sufficiently large bankroll is apparently enough to create an absolutely insane reality distortion field.

That’s the current generation of the rich and powerful. They’ve been selecting for selfishness, good looks, and lucky sperm to such an extent for such a long time that it’s totally crowded out any kind of operational effectiveness. The rich of the 1920’s-30’s were men like Walt Disney, John D. Rockefeller, and Henry Ford. Huge piece of shit fascists, but extremely competent piece of shit fascists. They made a deal while a deal was still there to be made before it even got as close to the cliffs edge as we are now.

We’re in for a rough century and COVID + Donald Trump are already things that happened here. This shit is nowhere near as stable as the older people think it is. This thing is a rickety piece of shit that hasn’t had an intelligent investment made in it in three decades plus. We’ve been eating a diet of strictly seed corn since the Boomers took over politics in the late 70’s.

The boomers are the softest generation born in human history probably. Their entire generation’s defining experience was being simultaneously spoiled as children and being born into an environment of plenty never seen before or since in human history. The combination of start location and not a cloud in the sky for the future might not be replicated again ever. They’re the exact kind of people who cause and then preside over the fall of an empire.

I’m not talking about the experience of poor people here, I’m talking about priveleged white boomers only.


The undeserving rich douchebag class probably thought the Donnie Dumb Dumb was one of them, which is kind of true, but they probably underestimated how genuinely stupid Trump is. Like your median rich asshole isn’t really smart, but they can’t mix some strategy in with the tactics. Donnie Dumb Dumb just mashes the same tactical buttons over and over again.

This isn’t true. Obviously it involved a world that skirts the edge of legality and intentionally uses jurisdictions where the rules are the most advantageous, but it absolutely involved illegality. This is from the original announcement:

Most of the services the offshore industry provides can be used for legal purpose and are by law-abiding customers. But the documents show that banks, law firms and other offshore players often fail to follow legal requirements to make sure clients are not involved in criminal enterprises, tax dodging or political corruption. The files show that these fixers and middlemen protect themselves and their clients by concealing suspect transactions. In some instances, they work to head off official investigations by backdating and destroying documents.

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i was replying to tax fraud, which is admittedly often a gray area, but you are right there were criminal connections as well. i am also differentiating individuals using offshore services as tax loopholes, and banks/firms that use offshore services to get around actual regulation. that’s likely also a tenuous distinction, but individuals can go to jail while banks cannot. so there’s tht

If you take this—Indians that got paid to vote in different places. We had Indians getting paid to vote! Many, many different things, all election-changing.”


The last few paragraphs when the parade of sycophants starts through the interview is amazing.

The whole thing is worth reading if you blood pressure is ok.

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This is the take.


My guess is he means American Indians as opposed to Indians from India. He clashed with some Indian groups during his casino days, so it would make sense for Trump’s brain to carry a weird conspiratorial grudge against the entire race. The best I could do is skim the article, but it’s really impressive how unhinged the dude is. He literally brags about crowd size at the insurrection. A total maniac beyond parody.


I’m guessing there was a Fox News story about someone organizing Election Day busing on a reservation which got translated into INJUNS PAID TO VOTE. Fucker probably is confused about whether Native Americans are even allowed to vote or not.


I remember there being some right wing story about Indians on a reservation getting gift cards to vote or something.

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Indigenous people are the worst illegal immigrants, IMO. They should go back to where they came from if they don’t love America!


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I’m sure Jared Kushner had nothing to do with this illegal middle eastern lobbying bonanza.

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Real or onion


As real as your pony.