The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

This is correct.

PB&J with lime marmalade is the nuts.

See above

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I know the fruit spread conversation is about over, but this stuff is absolutely amazing:


Highly recommended. I think you can order from their website. I get it local at our farmers market.

Edit: it’s excellent as a finishing rub on smoked ribs.


Mint jelly is required for certain lamb dishes.


Its the 21st century, you don’t have to keep ruining lamb with mint jelly.


I eat PB&J almost daily, and I usually have 3+ jars of preserves open at any time.

However, I usually save the blueberry for the weekend.


And the inevitable justifications they’ll have for the upcoming state legislatures overturning the popular votes. They’ll find a way to say it’s OK because Presidents aren’t elected by popular vote anyway, while maintaining that it was a necessary step to take because the popular vote count was not actually reflective of the popular vote because fraud, and respecting the “true” popular vote of a state is actually that important, but somehow not inconsistent with position #1.

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Definitely this. I gagged the first time I encountered this when I was a child.

Most civilized people had this well worked out even before the 21st century. When I was growing up most of the lamb dishes I ate were spicy. This was mostly outside of North America where, apparently, lamb remains unsolved.

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@narrator: nothing happened.


Yeah, even if he gets charged (unlikely, IMO) I think this nails the Trump defense line pretty well [at least in terms of arguments to the courts, who knows how he’ll pop off in front of a rally]:

Zelin said that if the case were to go to trial, Trump would likely admit to paying for employees’ tuition but say he expected other people to make sure the tax payments were in order.

“It could be something as simple as ‘Yes, of course, I agreed to have tuition covered as long as it’s going to be done legitimately, and that’s why I have accountants and CFOs and lawyers and, and professionals,’”


Seriously they could arrest him any minute they wanted to. He did all the crimes. They should have arrested him 5 minutes after he stopped being POTUS, charged him with some bullshit minor financial felony, and then used discovery to find everything else. He’d die in prison. I was pretty much 100% sure that after 1/6 the establishment players in this country would see it was in their best interests to have a public execution to show all the other nutjobs that the Trump line wasn’t viable.

But they didn’t because they are a weak feckless generation of cowards whose only goal is to have their power outlive them by at least 60 seconds. Everything they do makes sense when you assume they are being 100% careerist sociopaths, and they’re just the dumbest fucking people alive when you look at it any other way.

Anyone who cared even slightly about any of the institutions of this country would realize what a terrifying threat to that institutional power right wing ideology + the internet is and be handling it with an iron fucking fist. Instead they’re dithering away. The wealthy of the 1920-1930’s figured out a deal that the rest of society would take that let them stay rich. I am starting to seriously doubt if this generations super wealthy are that smart. I think they’re fucked. This ends with systemic collapse in <10 years.

EDIT: To be really clear ‘systemic collapse’ could mean a lot of different things. It just means that the current sources of power end up meaningfully different after the shake up.


So would the defense of “I expected Turbo Tax to catch any mistakes, therefore no tax fraud” fly for any of us normies?


You have to fly an “I’m a tax cheat” flag in your yard to get the IRS to pay attention at all. And even then you just pay 1/3 of what you stole and move on.

Your Honor, my expert tax preparers over at Turbo errr

Does anyone remember the Panama Papers? When rich people got caught with their pants down blatantly committing tax fraud? Absolutely nothing happened. They paid some fines just like the Sacklers. Our country is a complete joke.


Honestly they were worried this would massively motivate deplorables in the mid terms and probably cause a lot of terrorist attacks

Not saying they shouldn’t do it, but if Dems lose the midterms without passing voting results rights this country is way more fucked than if we don’t arrest trump

It depends, but in some ways it could, yeah. If you pay the wrong amount on your taxes, they can almost certainly make you pay the amount you should have paid. But in order to actually go to jail for fraud you usually have to have done something more than make an honest mistake.

So, if you fat fingered something in a way that didn’t change your liability in a dramatic way that you should have picked up, or if you genuinely misinterpreted an instruction, you probably aren’t going to jail. But, if one were to hypothetically “forget” to claim that $100k profit they made playing online poker, good luck blaming that on Turbo Tax.

Fuck that. That was exactly why it needed doing. Sometimes the reason you do something is the conspicuous display of how willing you are to light a pile of political capital on fire. I fully expected the people leading the charge to be establishment corporate Dems at the behest of their blue chip corporate sponsors. I genuinely thought that the S&P 50 would consider what had happened on 1/6 to be a totally unacceptable challenge to the very table the game is being played on and act accordingly.

But no the people calling the shots for the big money are also shitty boomers whose only goal is for their power to outlive them by 60 seconds. We’re trapped in this shit because they know they’re safe and there’s nothing we could ever offer them to not just run off the clock.

And the time to do it really was when the taste of 1/6 was still in everyone’s mouth with 2 years to the next election and 4 years to the next presidential election.

These guys are running the prevent defense every single play from now until they get carried out of their offices dead.

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