The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Do they not have wine in the UK? Cause it generally doesn’t have a grapey flavor.

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Some people can taste the wine grapes though. Don’t @ me clovis.

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Mint jelly is a thicker alternative to mint sauce that is used for lamb.


Seedless or not seedless?

Seeds takes rasberry from a solid top five to inedible garbage.

Does roast beef not have a beef flavour because it doesnt taste like raw meat?

There was a time not long ago I would’ve agreed but no longer. I wouldn’t eat it before because of the seeds (and didn’t know there was a seedless version). There was something about biting into the seeds and having them get stuck in my teeth that was really annoying. Maybe it’s because I got my teeth straightened, not sure, but I’m fine with seeds now. The texture adds to the experience. It also makes it more natural or whatever so that’s cool too.

It might not be gourmet quality but the stuff they sell at Costco is a pretty good every day raspberry jam. They used to have a “scone” version that was awesome but I haven’t seen it in a while. Their strawberry spread is good too.

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The irony of trumpers not knowing the only way a president can be removed from office is via impeachment process is so delicious.

I still don’t get their end game on this. There is no process besides impeachment to do anything about it. They won’t impeach Biden for at least 18 months.

love making jam, this year did it with our own strawberries and another with neighbor’s cherries. i once made raspberry and sauvignon blanc jello. it was amazing with heavy cream. way better than grape jellies.


I mean…it’s not the only way. It’s the only legal way, but trumpers don’t really care about that.

My sister came to visit recently. She saw I had a jar of nearly-empty strawberry preserves in the fridge. She asked if I liked strawberry preserves. I said “Yes. Preserves are the bomb.” She bought me a jar of strawberry jam. Bitch.


When the GOP takes the house they’re just going to impeach Biden every hour on the hour. NYT will be bemoan “polarization.”

I doubt it. They’ll be busy debating the merit of the impeachment.


Nobody mentioned blackcurrant GOAT.


Also trying to change the narrative with respect to the coup,

No one is referring to an attempted millitary coup when they refer to the coup attempt - stop trying to muddy the waters - they are talking about this one…












Not sure if it was posted here, but the lead guy that was chasing the cop up the stairs thought he was in the White House lol.



I’m sure this will result in highly punitive oh nevermind LOL LAW

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Black Rifle Coffee disavowing Rittenhouse? Seems like an odd business move.

they prefer soldiers who don’t get captured.

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Wait is that real? First I’m hearing it and it’s absolutely hilarious.

Yes, and there is video of him multiple times talking about how they are storming the White House. I’ll see if I can dig it up.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1414811289885581313|twgr^|twcon^s1_&