The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

“if i were to do a coup, there would be blackjack! and hookers!”


guy who’s been potus for 8 years: hey listen, this guy sucks at his job. politics aside he’s super shitty for everybody

idiot gameshow host who gets his biggest applause lines after saying racist stuff: oh yeah?? well i’ll show YOU who knows how to run a country

100% there will be another attempted coupe if Trump is elected

I mean I know talking about Trump “logic” is just wasted time, but it’s so hilarious. “I hired this guy because Obama hated him, but it turns out he sucked. So then, I hired this OTHER guy just because the first guy hates him, but he ALSO sucked. I can’t win!”


It’s hard to believe a 75-year old man could be as immature as Trump.


Obviously you’ve never been to Ohio

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The only thing that could make it better would be if he ended woth an earnest, “I’m very smart.”

“and let me tell you: if i WERE to do a coup, it wouldn’t be with HIM. any coups that i may or may not be plotting wouldn’t have involved that guy at all, he’s basic and ugly.”

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What up, Rocco? Good to see you.

Here’s a guy who would get laughed off most school yard playgrounds for sounding too much like a baby and he not only was the 45th president of the United States, but millions of people still worship him as their hero. It’s just astounding really


The only person I ever met who came close to Trump was a guy I played poker with once who had to have been in his sixties. He was so immature and took everything personally. When he won a pot he’d laugh buahahahaha at the player he beat. When he lost a pot, he pouted. We all laughed and I must say, he was fun to play poker with. But to have him as Commander in Chief?!? It’s a dead tie between him and Trump and these are literally the only two adults I ever encountered like that

100% lock that second sentence was added by an aide to ascribe some kind of potential logic to that first sentence

Why? To make him sound even pettier? Trump never even hid the fact that he had one singular mission and that was to undo everything that Obama did. I’d bet anything that the main reason he ran for president in the first place was because Obama dunked on him so thoroughly at the White House correspondence dinner and being the man baby that he is, never got over that

He’s said this pretty much hasn’t he?

Trump’s pile of lies on top of his stupidity on top of his ignorance is confusing. Obama didn’t fire Milley.

trump definitely recognized his role as being anti-obama, but the way he rebelled against his own hand-picked experts shows he’s just kneejerk compelled to do the opposite of anything someone smarter than him tells him he needs to do.

and the way it’s structured, the thought should end with “and that was a good thing that i did those things”, not that followed by “and this was my thought process”. trump doesn’t talk like that

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That you have to even ask the question proves how easy it is to forget the last four years just six months later.

I had forgotten I used to occasionally play with a guy like this, but maybe mid 40s. Super aggressive and would always talk about how hot his wife was, but she was mid 40s and overweight?

Thanks. Seems like I arrived just in time for some debates about banning and moderation.

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On Blitzers show yesterday they described Trumps word scramble as a scathing statement refuting Milley. Apparently CNN are a serious news organization.