The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Ignore the forum drama threads at all cost.


Except he’s not

He’s probably odds-on-favorite to win in 2024 assuming he lives that long. GOP probably gonna secure house and Senate in 2022

I read that some WH counsel were preparing for him to be charged with sedition THAT VERY DAY! They weren’t 100% sure charges would be brought, but determined it was a real possibility. This makes it all the more infuriating that there has been zero accountability more than 6 months later. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have truly failed us

Who was going to charge him? Trump’s Trumpy Justice Department? Can’t imagine anyone thought that would be a real possibility.

Ineffectual navel gazing by the ruling class is a common feature of declining empires.

I would imagine they weren’t writing up charges out of a sense of duty, but out of a sense of self preservation. In the immediate aftermath of the attack there is a lot of uncertainty about what would happen next. I’m sure the same people preparing charges of sedition had a working draft of a declaration to make Donnie Dumb Dumb Emperor for life.



Definitely not a cult though.


The tie needs to be muuuuuch longer, streaming behind the golf cart like a gymnast doing a ribbon routine.


Bolton and others going to piss trump off the same way Obama did. “Couldn’t stage a coup because I’m too dumb?! I’ll show them!”


I mean if voter laws stay in place and trump runs again we should all assume it’s gg democracy. I mean it’s gg regardless if they don’t fix the voter suppression, but throw trump on the ticket and it’s 100% time to flee I’d you can/want too

182 cases of potential fraud. Four charged so far, 0 convictions. In the end it comes down to whose word you want to take, government bureaucrats or Trump clownshow bullshit artists.

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didn’t think it could get weirder, but this demented mofo if like the Jelly of the Month Club - the gift that keeps oon giving.

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I’ve completely lost the ability to discern parody. This one is a coin flip in the real or onion game.


The short version is “I really wanted a military coup, but I couldn’t even ask about it because I knew Milley would say no”.


I have no idea what this is, but I’m weirdly intrigued.

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Basic fruit jams are great. Strawberry, blueberry, cherry, peach. I don’t feel a need to experiment beyond that. Change my mind.

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Marmalade ftw. Equal only with classic strawberry.


No, no, no, marmalade and grape for the gold; strawberry gets bronze,

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