The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Donnie Dumb Dumb knows that the second circuit is for LOSERS that aren’t good enough to make it in the first circuit.


“Second Circuit”? Donnie DumDum reads that as “Two Circuit”.

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In a world where Dems weren’t useless cowards the doj would be all up in this companies shit and if they lie about the count they’d go to jail.

Honestly if you’re running this company you should just lie and make shit up and say trump won and get huge contracts in Georgia etc. Might as well, there wouldn’t be any consequences.

Lol Dems, lol this country


That Wendy Rogers person is all about it. Check out her Twitter if you have a minute. Fucking batshit rabid

This is the executive summary of their business plan.

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Good fucking lord.

Separately, when will these people learn that resigning is literally the worst thing they can do if they actually want to stop this shit from happening.

Yeah resigning isn’t the move I had in mind. Lock his dumb ass in the White House bunker or even better the navy yard brig.


I resign because this president is out of control.

Who chooses your replacement?

The president.



Dude, come on. What’s wrong with shooting him in the face?

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Its almost like they care more about their precious self images than the country they talk about defending from threats.

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Perhaps they remember the Saturday Night Massacre as a key event that helped turn public opinion against Richard Nixon.

Having thought about it more, I would not be shocked if their plan was to try and run out the clock by resigning slowly, one by one, while trying to sway public opinion. The various positions also require Senate confirmation and may be constrained by statute to require the appointment of someone of a certain military rank, so Trump couldn’t just pick whoever he wants as their replacements and probably can’t pick an acting replacement.

The article also says that it was one of several plans discussed, so maybe it was neither their first nor best idea, just the one that provides the best clickbait to promote the book.

If you’re attempting a coup I don’t think you let little details like that get in your way.

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How the fuck does that document leak? Did James Bond sneak into the Kremlin through a sewer?

Intentional release disguised as a leak perhaps?

Sows chaos and weakens confidence in democracy which is Russia’s ultimate goal in general.