The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I don’t know where fancy houses came into the discussion, but a couple of people have brought them in when they were not a part of the assessment. In fact it was quite the opposite.

And yeah I am aware that a couple of insurrectionists were shown to hack nice houses on the news.

Still not going to qualify the bulk of the participants as well off.

Not sure why unstuck wants to think the insurrectionists are in the top 20% of the population. It’s inexplicable and baseless.

I certainly don’t understand the flawed economic analysis where someone in massive debt is well off.

It’s like calling Donald Trump a billionaire.

But I am sure someone who owns a 10 year old beater wishes they could be 30k upside down on a truck. Perhaps that is the well off I am missing.

So yeah if well off means being overloaded with massive debt you likely won’t ever escape, yeah I agree they are well off.

I apologize to everyone for defining well off as bean in a relatively healthy financial situation.

I still think the collective here is 100% wrong if they think the average insurrectionist is above average financially. It just seems like bad filtering of what the media is reporting.

It doesn’t really matter anyways. It doesn’t change the magnitude of what is going on.


I think the average insurrectionist is above average economically and what I think is important is that the liberals want the average insurrectionist to be poor. They keep doing the stories about trailer park Trumpers and economic anxiety. Why? People who voted for Trump had more money than people who voted for Biden or Clinton. What are they trying to accomplish? Absolve themselves and their class? They think “oh no, it can’t be us upper middle class people.” ??? Are they trying to dismiss the actual concerns that poor people have by pretending that poor people are concerned with white nationalism? I’m not sure. But Trumpers are not especially poor. They aren’t all rich, but there’s plenty good reason to resist that characterization that they are especially poor.


I guess we need to charge everyone with crimes to find out who might be pardoned so appropriate adjustments can be made.

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Would think just based on means rich and middle class trumpers are more represented at trump rallies or attempted overthrowing of the government than poor trumpers. Got to have some cash or credit and a flexible job to follow around the king.

Plus look at all those boomers who were there. Bunch of rich bastards.

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I’m guessing Jill Biden is happy enough to skip that tradition.


What the hell can Melania contribute?

She basically locked herself away for the past 4+ years. She knows shit about politics.




Following the discussion about (more-or-less) the class composition of the rioters/coupers, just read an article trying to look at the ‘data’ on exactly that. They use age, state and job from as many of those arrested as they can.

Their tentative conclusion is, I think, what most of us would have expected.

Well, I gotta say, the top three occupations being “owner,” “cop,” and “real estate broker” screams “petite bourgeoisie” to me. Granted, the owners are mostly owners of small firms, like florists or fishing charter operators, but firms they are. (The cops are not the Capitol hill cops, but cops who came from elsewhere.) It’s also extremely suggestive that there are no credentialed members of the PMC [Professional Managerial Class] present at all; only one lawyer, no accountants, no psychiatrists; the closest we come is an occupational therapist. There are also no labor aristocrats, save one union VP. The working class rioters are flexible in their arrangements; no Amazon workers, but a contractor, a programmer, an arborist/chimney sweeper, etc. This flexibility shades over into the lumpenproletariat: “Supplier” is my polite coinage for dealer.


David Blight’s writing about the Civil War in historical memory is excellent, in case anyone was wondering.

If this is the one who tried to sell it to Russia she’s probably going to be in the lol worst trouble of anyone short of the people who killed the cop.

This would be awesome. Lose two senators, stop having to send our tax dolllars to subsidize a state that does nothing. Let them all leave.


Working hard right up until the end!



That’s the one. I don’t see any way she isn’t facing serious trouble. A BBC reported went to her moms house and her mom was dumb enough to talk to him on camera at her door. Riley sounds like she was pretty deep in the MAGA-verse, so hopefully she ends up being a treasure trove of treasonous connections for authorities to pursue.

Probability of MSNBC host trying to drum up ratings seems…high.


The secret pardon shit doesn’t pass the smell test.