The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

No doubt. Just when you think you fully grasp how terribly designed the US system is you learn a new thing that is so stupid it’s hard to believe.

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Watching this MAGA paradox makes my brain twist like Kramer’s:

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Hey, if you’re gonna be a shameless resistance grifter at least spit some fire on Twitter like Steve Schmidt, I guess.


they can’t be pre-emptive, he can only pardon things that have already happened.

anyway, the smart move seems to be NOT to self-pardon, since it probably won’t hold up and doing it basically forces biden/garland to indict him on something so they can challenge it (they can’t let that precedent just stand), so if it’s the smart thing you gotta figure trump is a heavy favorite to do the opposite.

also if he pardons the kids then they can be compelled to testify against daddy without being able to take the 5th, so pardoning them seems unwise too, so you must assume he’s doing it.

To be fair, Bed Bath and Beyond is gonna stop selling His Pillow probably because they’re on the verge of going out of business.


This is a common misconception. Even if they get a blanket pardon, they could likely still invoke the 5th due to the potential of state crimes. I guess if there was an investigation that in no way implicated any possible state crimes the prosecution could argue they have to testify. However, courts typically interpret 5th amendment protection very broadly and it would be hard to find any subject that doesn’t in some way potentially implicate state crimes.

Yeah I’m sure Wal Mart is going to keep selling them My Pillows.

Anyway, my dad actually bought me some like a year ago and I have to say they’re pretty comfortable. They’re like 30 bucks apiece though, seems totally insane. They must make like 100% margin on each pillow, it’s just chopped up memory foam.

26 hours


How the hell are reporters supposed to do their job without body armor or gas masks? Thought we had freedom of the press in this country, smh.


Richmond looks ominous, be safe. Or be a badass. Whatever you want, really, but I am pulling for you guys.


Waiting for faux news and all to claim Biden is running a police state.

I’m sure I’m not alone in the thought that if minorities started open carrying everywhere they went we’d see some gun control measures.

Can’t be just in the places where white folks don’t go like it is now. They have to see it at the Walmart they shop at, at the Starbucks, everywhere.

Some activity organization should start buying guns for them.


Not only are you not alone, that exact scenario has happened before.


Are you familiar with the fuck you no defense


Oklahoma media all reporting Joe Exotic is extremely likely to get pardoned today. Amazing.


Mitt Romney continues to spit some pretty hot fire. Is there any chance he joins Murkowski as an independent? One can dream?

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Wyoming is 7th in GDP per capita. Oil.

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Lol I kinda hope he does. But I read his legal team sent like 257 pages to the white house to explain the case. That does not seem like a good strategy to get a Trump pardon.

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Saw some press yesterday that Lil Wayne was expecting one. I kinda forgot even what he did.