The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Counting large numbers is supposed to be in their wheelhouse.


WTF - secret pre-emptive pardons? In what universe did anyone every think this a good idea?


Saw John Dean on CNN say the same thing. Trump can secretly pardon people lol cool

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Probability of self-pardon staying secret seems… small.

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What? This can’t be real.

So anytime someone comes after Jared, he can just whip out a piece of paper with a pardon for that crime and claim Florida Man wrote it in 2021?

according to Dean, a self-pardon requires some kind of memorialization at the time, but he could slip a pardon to ivanka and that private handoff while trump is president is all that’s necessary

But if Ivanka and Trump are the only two people who know in this case, then any time Ivanka is charged, she just produces a pardon for that specific crime and claims that Trump handed it to her on 1/19/21. How is anyone to prove otherwise?

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the “crimes” section is probably blank until the day before they present it to the court

they probably got like 500 of em in a drawer

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It is by my order and for the good of the state that the holder of this has done what he has done.

January 19, 2021


C’est par mon ordre et pour le bien de l’Etat que le porteur du present a fait ce qu’il a fait.

3 decembre 1627



Well it seems like he could just theoretically hand her a stack of pardons tomorrow for any number of crimes. So they can just wait for each charge and produce the perfect pardon (conveniently dated 1/19/21) every time.

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he doesn’t

it’s from whatever the fuck crazy shit he read from the kraken stuff

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How have we lasted as long as we have…


Liberals were in charge

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The idea of unilateral presidential pardons is laughable and fatal to the GeNiUs DoCuMeNt wRiTtEn bY tEh FoUnDeRs!!!1! theory let alone Top Secret Pre-Emptive Self Pardons or whatever fantasy novel plot element these fainting goat lawbros are bleating about. Eventually we’re gonna find out the absolute worst shit like wax statue Jared sold top secret nuclear details and enriched uranium to Syria and the Saudis at which point he pulls the (one of many) DayGlo orange Get Out of Jail Free card(s) from a black rhino skin wallet, turns, and winks at the camera. And people will be fucking outraged at this entire family still continuing to put NatSec in jeopardy years later and will float some ideas like “maybe the founders were actually just fucking simple” or “maybe Constitutional lawbros interpreting this as a treason loophole are simple,” followed by a disagreeable Andrew Weissmann head popping on your TV and citing an obscure case from 1839, noting “There’s precedent here, people! Precedent!” while pounding on that Eames walnut conference table.


It’s not like would say if it had sensitive information on it lol. They’d need plausible deniability if bad stuff got out.

Hadn’t seen this video before. MAGA dude begs cops to stop what is happening at the capitol as they just stand around in riot gear. I believe this is before they breached so I think these guys could have tried to go around and back into the capitol to help their fellow cops… but nah

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