The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Not charging him is just like not firing the idiot at work. Everyone else quits caring because obviously you as the boss don’t give two shits.


Autocorrect tried really hard to understand my thumb typing.

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Remember when some people were glad he survived covid so he could be dealt with properly in the election and legally.

L O fucking L.

He’s going to be president again in 2024 and the rails are going to be completely off. His only priority will be revenge. Lord only knows who he will appoint to replace Breyer when he croaks. It won’t be a federalist hack. Probably Joe Digenova or Jeanine Pirro or someone the like.


I haven’t yet accepted waaf. But it’s undeniably the trajectory.

Though hopefully not this quickly.

My hope is for the reaper.

Read this thread if you want to hate lawyers even more

Wtf is he saying

Not clicking but the dude never using email probably saved him like 30 years in prison


Like law is so fucking broken. They’re gonna spend 5 hours talking to each other about whether these assholes lied willfully when the whole world knows they did, then nothing will happen as always.


He does puff up baron’s cyber skills.

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Would love to see exacltly what Barron is doing on the computer to earn his presumptive fathers awe. I assume it’s playing Call of Duty?

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yeah the weird part is trying to talk up barron in computers at the same time as trying to warn about computers. like, is barron going to hack everyone? i already see way to much jr content on my phone, but barron is going to read my messages?

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Barron can find you anything on warez sites.


Ever see anyone hack an abacus? Me neither. Check! and Mate! That means checkmate!


I kind of like the idea that Barron is some kind of black hat genius who used 4 years in the White House to gain clearance to NSA servers etc.

But it is more likely that Trump just thinks Mario Cart is real.


My son is so good with the computers. He can make one of these things, a turtle shell on the computer and when it hits you you spin out of control and lose all your coins. Now imagine if our enemies got hold of this. It would be really bad believe me.


I’m not entirely sure. But it sounds like he’s saying



Random aside that my warez comment made me think of:

My best friend in high school knew a dude (a few years older than us) who owned a porn BBS. It was called, simply, “Jimbo’s BBS,” which he later renamed to “Cherry Pie BBS” (classy). Jimbo invited us over to check out his setup, so, being high school boys, we naturally said yes.

It was…uncomfortable. It was just a computer in the basement of a suburban home - there was nothing seedy about the place or anything, but it just got weird when he started showing us all the pics he had available for download. He said he could give us free access to everything, but after being there for about 30 minutes we were like:

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I mean, if Barron had any real skillz Trump would be at home making him hack into Loni Anderson’s webcam instead of whining on Fox News.