The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

A full packed of the blue ones couldn’t make than Pence stand up

What actually happened between Trump and Pence:


“It’s Donald Trump’s most frequent complaint: people profiting off his name. The latest offender? His son’s girlfriend, MAGA’s own Eva Perón, Kimberly Guilfoyle,”

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It does sound exaggerated, but doubters that it happened at all have a problem in that compulsive liar Donald has denied it while ass-kissing whipping-boy Pence has not, afaik.

I don’t know what those are but what if they were thrown in his face by his boss that he secretly hates?

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Trumps hands are too tiny to cause any damage throwing stuff around


Viagra (I’m assuming).

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Are you saying he threw a Barbie dollhouse piece of paper so it looked right in his hands?

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What are we supposed to do with this?

Reach across the aisle? Work on bipartisanship?

It’s pure insanity and we still haven’t realized what the game being played is, and it is for ALL the marbles.

When 40% of the country are delusional kooks we have a serious problem that can’t be talked out of at all.


Pass voting rights legislation. Pass legislation to help people. Keep reminding people that the opponents are literally Nazis and never do anything to help anyone else. Rinse and repeat.


36% of Americans identify as Republican, in all actuality it’s only 1/5 of the country who are these specific delusional kooks.

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Oh, so only like 65 million people? Cool.


And every last one of them votes

Whether compulsory voting delivers better outcomes under normal circumstances is up for debate, but at the very least it’s a pretty good insurance policy against a highly motivated insane minority seizing control of the country.


Melania hooking up with Luka Doncic?

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Well this answers one question I have - how much do they believe their own BS? Apparently none because they’re fine with just overriding the popular vote if it comes to it.

On some level that feels better to me than if they’re just massively brainwashed but still think they believe in democratic principles. Knowing that over half of them blatantly want to chuck democracy at least puts chips on the table and defines battle lines. It’s clarifying.

Well, it should be. But so far, it doesn’t seem like it’s doing shit.

Trump continues to undermine historian’s claim that he is not the worst president in history.

“innocent, wonderful, incredible woman”

You have to be extremely, extremely deep into #Resistance Dem territory to believe this is anywhere close to something tanto be could be charged with, let alone Trump.

Granted. The charge of being WOAT is the best we can do. He has nothing to fear, so he’ll keep working his insurrectionist schemes. Even without the power of the office, access to FOX is enough to guarantee more people get killed. No apparent way to stop this cancerous fuck.

Don’t know who tanto is.