The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

I must be a bad person because pointless as it would be, I have this fantasy of rubbing Trumper noses in this shit.

Can Unstuck start a Razzies for political cartoons?

Just give Garrison the lifetime achievement award.


Or name it after him. Or a statue! Teach the controversy!

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I only know Garrison’s cartoons from when they are sufficiently weird that someone posts them here, but from what I have seen he is the the absolute best political cartoonist working today, not close. Have you seen anyone’s else work in this field? Just terrible. His stuff is legitimately funny and well drawn.

I actually suspect that a lot of the stuff he does is satirical regrading the format. For example, look at how he labels the spear “lawsuit” and interjects Trump on the title, just to make sure the reader doesn’t take it literally! Really feels like he is making fun of his peers there.


One of my all-time favorite bits from this forum was when we spent an entire day dissecting Ben Garrison’s poker cartoon.



Eric Trump (showing his connection to the average man): “Everybody has a company car!”

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For some reason I thought this only worked with diet coke

Holy shit where is this. I remember and want to relive

Take the challenge and find out :flushed:

Ahhhh im dumb. I get it now

I think it was on 22 if you search for Ben Garrison and poker maybe you’ll find it.

Which one is Trump? I have a hard time telling without labels.

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One of my favorite Chapo episodes is one where they dissect and analyze conservative political cartoons. It’s still one of their funniest episodes pound-for-pound.

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My favorite person ever Don Jr bombing at CPAC, his coke-ravaged neurons tossing signals like a baseball team lazily warming up in the outfield


Never listened to these guys until this one. Man this is gold.

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Yup. It was the first episode of theirs I listened to.

Mr. Pence picked up the article and threw it back at Mr. Trump," Bender wrote. "He leaned toward the president and pointed a finger a few inches from his chest. ‘We walked you through every detail of this,’ Mr. Pence snarled. ‘We did this for you — as a favor. And this is how you respond? You need to get your facts straight.’”

Trump released a statement through his Save America PAC denying the story on Friday.

Had Pence managed to grow a spine, it might have come in handy when Trump tried to get him hanged.


Zero chance that happened